As consulting the literature materials, the writer found that reading-aloud is also a traditional learning approach in China。 In ancient times, students were always required by their private teachers to read the books loudly。 As it is believed, the meaning will easily be understood if you read a book over and over again。 Besides, many famous experts and scholars, such as Fan Cunzhong, Xu Guozhang, and Zhu Guangqian etc。 benefit from reading-aloud。 And they all laid stress on this learning method。 Besides, Hu Chundong, another reading-aloud supporter, insists that at the early stage of learning, reading-aloud is an effective learning way for EFL learners。 It can help further the understanding, deepen the impression, consolidate the memory and integrate reading, listening with speaking。 English skills can be developed all-roundly (Hu Chundong, 1992)。 For the most middle school students, English is a big challenge, which they may have learned a little before, but never take as a major course。 They can't read the International Phonetic Alphabet, letters and words。 They may know something , but it is difficult for them to speak out correctly。 Actually, almost everything is new to them。

1。2 Research motivation and objectives 

As an English teacher, it is a basic and important task to help students learn English effectively and to achieve the tasks commanded by syllabus。 Because of the middle students' poor English level and their difficulties in English learning, an effective way is needed to find to help them learn easier。 Through a period of observation, the writer finds that students can do better when reading after teachers or tapes in class。 If students just listen to the teachers, they can only practice in their thinking。 But if they do not listen to the teachers or tapes, they can never make it correctly。 Imitation is a shortcut of learning to speak。 And Reading-aloud is the cheapest, the most simple and ancient teaching method, it is both simple and effective。(Jim Trelease, 2010)。 These two ways both can be easily applied at home and in class as they can be heard and observed。 Students in Grade 7 at Linping NO。3 Middle School have a negative attitude towards morning reading class and many of them have difficulty in learning English。 So after deep consideration, the writer decides to use a new learning method—Imitative reading aloud, in order to attract the students' interest in learning English and help improve students' comprehensive ability。

In order to remove the students' resistance to speak out, cultivate their interest in English, build up their confidence in learning, and develop their language abilities, the writer decides to carry out imitative reading-aloud in English learning at the middle school to conduct a study。 This study aims to find out the influence of imitative reading-aloud on the English listening, reading comprehension, and writing abilities of the middle school students。 

1。3 An overall structure of the paper

This research consists of five parts。 It is made up by the following five parts。

The first one is introduction。 In this part, the present situation of the English learning for the students at the middle school and the existed problems will be introduced。 Also the aims of the researching are defined。

The second part is literature review。 The definition of the imitative reading-aloud, the significance, the theoretical basis will be explained in this part。 It will also list the relative studies at home and abroad about reading-aloud and imitation。 All of these will point out the necessity and the probability of this research。

The third part is about researching design。 It includes the researching purpose, method and process。 Some researching means such as the questionnaires, class observations, tests, and interviews will be carried out in this research。

The fourth part is statistics collection and analysis。 It can be found that through the detailed analysis of the statistic charts, imitative reading-aloud is very effective on the English learning at the middle school。 It can help students in listening, reading and writing greatly。

















