The last part is conclusion and suggestion。 It elaborates the new findings and confirmed the influence on the English learning and the significance of the research。 Imitative reading-aloud should be applied at the middle school on a large scale。 Besides, the limitation of the research is also pointed out。

2。 Literature review

2。1 Imitative reading-aloud

2。1。1 Reading-aloud

a。 Definitions of reading-aloud 

As one of the important means of language skills and learning, Reading-aloud is defined by Zhu Zhixian in the Psychology Dictionary as that it is a reading method that get the information with visual organs , make sound through speech organ, then receive it with audio organ, and last convey it to the brain (Zhu Zhixian, 1989)。 Reading-aloud is a kind of creative activity that literal material is turned into voiced language (Zhang Song,2010)。 That is to say, reading-aloud is a process of turning written language into spoken language skillfully with eye, mouth, and brain working together。 Through reading-aloud, the ideas and feelings in the written language can be expressed by intonation, rhyme, stress etc。 Besides, the written language and the spoken language are associated with each other, benefit each other, developing each other (Xu Guozhang, Wang Zongyan, 1996)。 文献综述

Actually, reading-aloud is creative reading。 The process of the reading is a process of “Internalization”, turning physiology activity into psychology one。 It recurs the author's thoughts and feelings based on the understanding of the text, model image, real life, principles illustration, and then reappear it by pronunciation (Jia Guanjie, 2001)。 According to kailani (1998:281), the characters of reading are “the clear articulation of words, flexibility in rate, volume and tone, adequate phrasing and effective use of pauses。” Therefore reading-aloud cannot be seen as a process of speaking out words simply and mechanically。 In fact, it is a complex physiological and psychological process。 That is to say, reading-aloud actually is a process of ‘Internalization'。 After that, students can show more creation in their output, which can be found in their better speaking and understanding。 In addition, students can read some new words and remember them。 Also, the whole perception of the text can be better understood。 Therefore students can be more interested in learning English and naturally improve their English level。

b。 The significance of Reading-aloud

Fan Cunzhong, an older educational specialist, thinks that reading-aloud is to a language what singing is to a song。 For thousands of time, students begin to read in the classroom or under the tree, soon after they get up in the morning。 Usually, in less than half a year, their tongue will turns flexible and some good sentences will go out of their mouths without thinking (Zhang Weiqin, 2007)。 Zhu Chun insists that there is no doubt that reading-aloud is very important to the English beginners。 And for any other levels of the learners, it is also essential to practice it oftentimes。 Besides, in many works, the literature can't effect the readers by silent reading but by reading-aloud (Zhun Chun, 2010)。 Because English, just like Chinese, has the meaningful intonation and expression which can not reappear in written language in the process of reading-aloud (Zhu Chun, 2010)。 Thus, reading-aloud should be paid much attention on English learning。 

c。 The function of Reading-aloud

Obviously, reading-aloud is good for language learning in many ways。 And many famous scholars have provided their views about it from different aspects。 In Zhang Song's opinion, 1) Reading-aloud can help appreciate the literal works better。 2)Reading-aloud can develop the ability of the language expression。 3) Reading-aloud can enhance the infection of language better。 4) Reading-aloud can be regarded as a kind of mental enjoyment。 5) Reading-aloud is good for getting the norm language (Zhang Song 2010)。 

















