Abstract There are different kinds of colors。 Color is closely related to people’s life。 Color words are an essential part of language system in each nation。 The color words are frequently used in human language and gifted with plentiful emotions and cultural connotations。 In both Chinese and English, color words differ in meaning owing to different cultural content, traditional customs and religious beliefs。 We should pay attention to not only their basic meaning but also their deeper symbolic meaning。 Due to respective cultural background and tradition, people's feelings and expressions to the color are not the same, so the symbolic meaning of colors can produce distinctive differences between Chinese and Western cultures。 Therefore it is important to grasp the differences between the literal meaning and associative meaning。 This thesis mainly discusses the cultural connotation of color words which involve six basic colors white, black, red, green, yellow and blue both in Chinese and English language by means of comparison。 Further comprehension of color words in different cultural backgrounds can help us to communicate with others successfully。73199

Keywords: color words; cultural connotations; comparative study




1。 Introduction 1

2。 Literature Review 1

3。 Differences between English and Chinese in Color Words 2

3。1 White 3

3。2 Black 3

3。3 Red 3

3。4 Green 4

3。5 Yellow 5

3。6 Blue 6

4。 Reasons for Different Culture Connotation in Color Words 6

4。1 Traditional customs 6

4。2 Religious beliefs 8

5。 Conclusion 9

Works Cited 11

1。 Introduction 

Famous linguist Leech holds the opinion that the conceptual meaning of a word is the most basic sense expressed in the language of communication。 The connotative meaning attached to the concept of the meaning, is not a fundamental part of the language, but only incidental。 That is to say, the connotations of the word are demonstrating the national culture which are based on the conceptual meaning of words。 It can vary due to different persons, different ages and can also be due to different societies, nations or eras。

 The world we live in and the color are inseparable。 As a group of special words of the language, color words can be used to describe the specific color of object, to express emotions, attitudes, viewpoints and ideological connotations。 Six basic colors, white, black, red, green, yellow and blue, have the same concept of meaning between the Chinese and English language。 However, because of the different historical background, different religious beliefs and tradition and customs, the conceptual meanings of relative color words is a far cry from its connotation meaning。

















