Abstract English writing, as one of the four basic skills, plays an important role in English learning。 However, the effect of English writing teaching in China is not satisfied as writing is still the shortage of Chinese students to some extent。 Plenty of domestic scholars have been constantly doing researches aiming to find out how to enhance the effectiveness of writing teaching in class。 Since process approach was introduced into writing teaching in 1960s and 1970s, feedback has become an important component of writing teaching。 Consequently, the feedback on students’ writing has become a hot topic among English teachers。 This thesis tries to investigate several strategies to enhance writing competence through exploring the effect of different types of teacher feedback, together with the real situation in our writing teaching。 Meanwhile, combined with the researches, the author puts forward some suggestions, for the purpose of enhancing the competence of teachers’ teaching and students’ writing。73198

Keywords: teacher feedback; English writing competence; classification of teacher feedback; function of teacher feedback




1。 Introduction 1

2。 Literature Review 1

3。 An Overview of Teacher Feedback 3

3。1 A brief introduction to process approach in English Writing Course 3

3。2 The definition of teacher feedback 4

3。3 The classification of teacher feedback 5

3。4 The function of teacher feedback 6

4。 Applications of Teacher Feedback in English Writing and Its Enlightenment 7

4。1 Application of teacher feedback in Chinese English Writing Course 7

4。2 Research design 8

4。3 Data collection 10

4。4 Findings and enlightenment 12

5。 Conclusion 13

Works Cited 15

1。 Introduction

Language skills, as the important part of English learning, which includes listening, speaking, reading and writing, are necessary for students to acquire in schools。 We see that students tend to perform worse on English writing than other three aspects, which has aroused a widespread concern among teachers and researchers。 English writing has great requirements not only for the English proficiency of learners, but also for the thought of learners and the competence of textual organization。 As one of the necessary procedures in process approach, providing feedback to students’ writing is widely applied by English writing teachers in various ways。 Feedback has played a crucial role in students’ composing process in the context of ESL writing (Hyland 2003)。 ESL learners regard teacher’s feedback as significant information based on which they can revise their drafts。 However, according to the subsequent writing results, we find it seems that teacher feedback doesn’t work effectively in students’ rewriting process。 In this thesis, the author separately reports the origin of this study, elaborates the significance and the purpose of the study, trying to explore the efficient teacher feedback strategies in English writing teaching so as to enhance students’ writing competence。论文网

















