Abstract The Joy Luck Club tells about the conflicts between Chinese immigrant mothers and their American-raised daughters。 Through the description of the experience of four pairs of Chinese mother and daughter living in the United States, the film The Joy Luck Club makes a good reflection of the collision between Chinese and American Marriage。 This thesis aims to make a brief analysis of the three differences in the concepts of marriage between Chinese culture and American culture: the standard of spouse selection, the purpose of getting married and status of husband and wife after marriage。 From the study on the advantages and disadvantages of transnational marriage, we can make a better sense of the differences between Chinese culture and American culture to avoid misunderstanding in intercultural communication。 73374

Key words: marriage values; transnational marriage; Chinese culture and American culture; The Joy Luck Club

摘  要《喜福会》讲述了中国移民母亲和美国女儿之间的冲突。通过对四对华裔母女在美国的生活经历的讲述,它很好的反映出了中美婚姻观的碰撞。本文旨在浅析中美婚姻观的三个不同之处:择偶标准、结婚目的以及婚后夫妻地位的差异。通过对跨国婚姻利与弊的研究,我们可以更好地理解中国文化与美国文化之间的差异,从而减少跨文化交际中出现的误解。



1。 Introduction 1

2。 Literature Review 2

3。 Brief Introduction of The Joy Luck Club 2

4。 The Differences of Marriage Values between China and America 3

4。1 The standard of spouse selection 4

4。2 The purpose of getting married 6

4。3 Status of Husband and Wife after Marriage 8

5。 The Advantages and Disadvantages of Transnational Marriage 11

6。 Suggestions on the Transnational Marriage 12

7。 Conclusion 13

Works Cited 15

1。 Introduction

Marriage for every person, whether Chinese or westerners, has the meaning of landmark。 Marriage is the foundation of the family, and it is a life event。 However, there is a huge difference in the attitude towards marriage between the Chinese people and the western people in terms of family, as a result, the communication process is filled with misunderstanding, contradictions and obstacles。 Marriage has undergone great changes with the passage of time, the increasingly frequent exchanges and the cooperation between countries。 Transnational marriages are also emerging under the circumstance where they have such a large amount of views on marriage, so the Chinese and western people have attached more importance to it and the analysis of Chinese and Western marriage customs has become the needs of the times。 International marriage is one of the most typical embodiments of intercultural communication。 China and America are two different countries, so their understanding to marriage should also be different。 The reason why Chinese and westerners have different marriage values is that human beings from different cultures have different values, morals, thinking patterns, religious beliefs, social systems and so on。 With China's accession to the WTO and the development of the economic and cultural globalization, the whole word is becoming an integrated part and China's traditional concept of marriage has also altered dramatically。 Chinese people are gradually beginning to understand and even adopt the Western marriage values。论文网

















