5。 Conclusion17


Exploration into Flipped Classroom Applied in Teaching Reading in Senior School

1。 Introduction

1。1 A General Description

Researches on the flipped classroom practice have been carried out a lot on the abroad, which gradually formed some typical and distinctive models, concluded, “Woodland Park High School Model, Khan Academy model, Riverside Unified School District model, Harvard model and Stanford University model” (Jonathan Bergmann & Aaron Sams,2012)。 With flipped classroom in popularity worldwide, the domestic practice of flipped classroom also began a bold attempt。 Practice of domestic flipped classroom mostly have their own characteristics, different schools according to their own school characteristics, explored their own flipped classroom model, and achieved significant results, greatly promoting the development of flipped classroom in our country and the reform of teaching mode。论文网

With the deep study of educators and psychologists for students’ learning activities, they simply deny the mode that teachers systematically impart knowledge and students passively accept knowledge, which should be replaced by what students  truly master the ability to apply knowledge, the new teaching philosophy, which  promotes the rapid development of the flipped classroom。 Flipped adopts "first post-teaching" mode that students use self-teaching materials before class and  accept teachers’ counseling in class。 In the flipped classroom learning process, students can use personalized tools for self-learning, at the same time, teachers in the classroom is no longer the role of imparting textbooks knowledge, but transforming into a role of a guider who eliminate students’ doubt and confusion。

1。2 Goal of the Empirical Study

Domestic research on flipped classroom from the perspective of empirical research is relatively small; theoretical research on flipped classroom to introduction the concept are much more than practical research(JF Strayer,2012); researches are mostly concentrated on science class (information technology, natural science, physical chemistry) and other subjects, while liberal arts classes (Chinese, English, etc。) involves a relatively small; application to flipped classroom in specific disciplines is little; as well, lack of instructional design, implementation of research strategies。

 I hope that in the high school classroom on the flipped classroom practical application, it is possible for me to have some internship experience on such a personalized English teaching strategy。 Moreover, reading ability in English has been an important part of teaching, how to improve English reading education quality is also a lesson that educators have been concerned a lot, I hope "flipped classroom", this personalized teaching strategy can be used in English reading teaching, in order to improve the reading level of the classroom, and give reference to educators on teaching reading class。

1。3 Structure of the Thesis

Starting from the concrete practice experience in Mudu Senior High , specifically I will describe the whole process of reading lesson, including three parts, pre-class preparation, classroom process and feedback 。 The object of the study is the freshmen in senior high, and the lesson is unit2 in Module1。The next part is a relatively comparison between flipped classroom and the normal reading classroom, including students’ understanding of the text, knowledge acquisition, effectiveness of classroom, after-school feedback and other specific comparison, to conclude the advantage and the disadvantages of reading flipped classroom。

2。 Literature Review

2。1 Existing Theoretical Results

Flipped classroom practice of started at US colleges and universities。 In 1990s, at Harvard University, Eric Mazur(1996) found computer-assisted instruction can effectively transfer knowledge, and peer instruction can stimulate students 'enthusiasm, mobilize the students' interest, create motivation, promote learning outcomes rapidly absorbed。 Maureen J。 Lage(2000), in Miami University, with other researchers carried out research on flipped classroom in the "Introduction to Economics"。 Research shows that flipped classroom teaching activated the differentiated instruction, students can effectively adapt to different learning styles。 Wesley Baker(2000), at the 11th International Conference on College Teaching and Learning, published a paper on "The Classroom Flip: Using Web Course Management Tools to Become the Guide by The Side," and proposed his own flipped classroom model, to provide beneficial try to change the traditional teaching。 文献综述

















