Abstract Many delicate and vivid dish names in the Huaiyang recipes reflect profound Huaiyang culture。 Thus, the translation of cuisine plays an active role in spreading Huaiyang culture。 But at present, the translation of all kinds of dish names varies and lacks a unified standard。 This thesis gives a general overview of the existing problems and causes of the English translation of Huaiyang dish names。 It discusses methods of literal translation, free translation, transliteration, annotation and literal translation plus free translation on Huaiyang Cuisine, starting from analyzing characteristics and classification of Huaiyang dish names and centering on the Principle of Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance。 Finally, the author sums up the thesis and puts forward the significance and limitations of this study。  73549

Keywords: The Principle of Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance;  Huaiyang Cuisine names; method of translation




1。 Introduction 1

2。 Literature Review 1

2。1 Brief introduction to the the Principle of Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance 1

2。2 The relation between the Principle of Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance and Huaiyang Cuisine 3

3。 An introduction to Huaiyang Cuisine 4

3。1 Characteristics and features of Huaiyang Cuisine 4

3。2 Classification of Huaiyang Cuisine names 6

3。3 Existing problems of the English translation of Huaiyang Cuisine 8

4。 Methods of Translating Huaiyang Cuisine 8

4。1 Literal translation 9

4。2 Free translation 10

4。3 Transliteration 11

4。4 Literal translation plus free translation 11

4。5 Annotation 12

5。 Conclusion 13

Works Cited 14

1。 Introduction

     With the rapid development of China’s economy and the increasingly frequent international exchanges, the translation of Chinese dishes is becoming more and more significant for domestic high-end hotels and overseas Chinese restaurants。 Huaiyang Cuisine, as one of the eight Great Traditions that dominates the culinary heritage of China, is famous for subtle skill of cutting, and delicate and elegant style。 It is highly praised by the customers at home and abroad。 However, due to the different backgrounds, dishes from perse cultures are endowed with various cultural connotations。 Therefore, excellent translation is needed to integrate two cultures。论文网

     Although there are many kinds of translation theories, methods and strategies, such as dynamic equivalence from American translation theorist Eugene A。 Nida, Semantic Translation and Communicative Translation from British translation theorist Peter Newmark, the Principle of Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance from Chinese translator Yan Fu and so on, a comprehension of the basic principles of translation and communication has lagged behind translating in the secular fields(Nida 1)。 The persity of Huaiyang Cuisine contributes to various dishes and Huaiyang dishes play a very significant role in promoting and inheriting Huaiyang culture。 Therefore, the translation of Huaiyang Cuisine is very important。 In China, Yan Fu’s principle is the most representative theory。 Since the translation of cuisine is different from general expression form, the thesis will pay more attention to its flexibility and persity。 

















