    摘 要改革开放以来,农村地区的英语教育取得了一些显著成就。然而,由于中国幅员辽阔,地域间的教育存在很大差异。最近几年,农村地区英语教育越来越受人瞩目。农村中学英语教育是决定我国总体英语教育水平的重要因素。但是由于种种原因,农村中学英语教育水平并不高。英语教学存在许多问题,如师资严重短缺,教学设备不齐全,教学环境差,教学效果不理想等。本文通过做调查访问等一系列手段,从外部的客观因素和学生自身的主观因素两个方面对该问题进行分析研究,并结合该领域学者的意见和建议,提出合理的对策,旨在提高农村中学英语教学水平,并唤起社会各界对农村英语教育的关注和重视。关键词:英语教育;农村中学;现状;对策;9632
    Since the Reform and Opening, the foreign language education in rural area has been expanding a lot and has made some distinct achievements. However, because of the vast land, there are many differences among education between regions. In recent years, the English education in rural area grabs more and more people’s eyeballs. However, the quality of English teaching in rural middle schools is not high because of various reasons. There are many problems existing in English teaching in rural middle schools, such as the problems of teachers, the problems of teaching equipments, the problems of environment and the problems of teaching effects. To solve the problem, this paper makes a series of researches through investigation and analyzes the problem from two aspects: the objective factors and subjective factors. It also has analyzed some causes from the present situation of English in rural areas, and proposed solutions and methods from the enhancement of teacher’s own quality, the improvement of teaching method and teaching facility, the training of the students’ interests of studying English. Therefore, the rural English level can be improved and the attention from all the people can be aroused to rural schools in English education.
    Key words: English education; rural middle schools; present situation; solutions;
    摘 要    ...i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. The Problems of English Education in Rural Middle Schools    2
     2.1 The Problems of Students    2
      2.1.1 The Students’ Poor Speaking and Listening Skill    2
      2.1.2 Lack of Interest and Attention to English Education    3
     2.2 The Shortage of Teaching Resources    4
      2.2.1 The problems of teachers    4
      2.2.2 The Problems of Teaching Equipments    6
      2.2.3 The Problems of Environment    7
    III. Causes of Poor English Education in Rural Middle Schools    8
     3.1 The Educational Investment    8
     3.2 The Effects of Family    8
     3.3 The Influence of Quality of Teachers    9
     3.4 Restriction of Teaching Environment    10
    IV. Countermeasures to Improve the English Education in Rural Middle Schools    10
    4.1 Measures Taken by the Government    11
      4.1.1 Regulating Students Number of the Class    11
      4.1.2 Offering Financial Aids    12
    4.2 Measures Taken by Schools    12
      4.2.1 More Focus on Teachers’ Professional Ability Training    12
      4.2.2 To Set Up the Team of Teachers    13
    4.3 Measures Taken by Teachers    13
      4.3.1 Instructing Students to Make a Study Plan    13
      4.3.2. Instructing Students to Remember Words Independently.    14
  1. 上一篇:初中英语教学测试与素质教育
  2. 下一篇:浅析新闻英语的特点和翻译策略
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  2. 义乌市后宅镇农村小学英语教学现状调查

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  5. 中学英语课堂中老师非语言行为的研究

  6. 中学英语教学中的文化教育

  7. 中学英语词汇教学现状及对策分析

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