摘 要当今中国的中学英语教学,主要采用学生掌握大量的单词和语法来训练学生的听、说、读、写能力。这样的英语教学方法忽视文化背景的重要性,在英语教学中教师很容易忽视对中西方文化的差异的讲解。本文主要采用对比分析,运用实例对中学英语文化教学的现状进行分析,并提出一些改进措施,希望能为中学英语教学中的文化教学提供现实可行的方法,提高学生的文化素质。83224

毕业论文关键词: 文化教育;中学;英语教学 

Abstract The education of China’s middle school nowadays requires students to master a lot of vocabulary and grammar for practicing students’ listenning, speaking, reading and writing ability。 Such a way of English teaching neglects cultural backgrounds。 Teachers are likely to neglect the differences between Chinese and Western culture。 The paper, by using quetionnaire methods and listing examples, analyzes the current situation of English culture teaching in middle school and puts forward some strategies。 This paper helps to provide some feasible methods for the middle school English culture teaching and improve students’ cultural quality。

 Key words: culture education; middle school ; English teaching


摘 要 i

Abstract ii

I。 Introduction 1

II。 An Overview of Culture Teaching 1

2。1 The Relationship Between Language and Culture 1

2。2 The Necessity of Culture Teaching 2

III。 Present Situation of Culture Education of English Teaching in Middle School 4

3。1 The Lack of Teachers’ Culture Teaching Consciousness and Ability 4

   3。1。1 The Questionaire for Teachers 4

   3。1。2 The Results and Analysis 6

3。2 Students’ Weak Ability in Using English Language 7

   3。2。1 The Questionaire for Students 7

   3。2。2 The Results and Analysis 9

3。3 Excessively Patterned Test Mode 10

IV。 Strategies to Improve Culture Teaching 10

4。1 Improving Teachers’ Language Cultural Ability 11

4。2 Enhancing Students’ Ability of Using English 12

4。3 Making Full Use of Cultural Products 13

  4。4 Examining Cultural Behaviour 13

  4。5 Changing the Design of Test Mode 14

V。 Conclusion 15

Bibliography 16

Appendix 17

Acknowledgments 18

An Analysis of Culture Education of English Teaching in Middle School

I。 Introduction

Language and culture are closely linked。 The realistic significance of culture is expressed and included by language。 What’s more, culture education is the assurance of using language appropiately。 On account of the social and geographic distance, people have different thoughts on values, faiths, and beliefs。 The same word may not mean the same thing to people from different countries。 It is acknowledged that language plays a very important role in culture。 Brown describe the two as follows: “ A language is a part of a culture and a culture is a part of a language; the two are intricately interwoven so that one can not seperate the two without losing the significance of either language or culture。” (45) All in all, culture and language are closely related。论文网

















