From the interpretations above, it can be easily found that motivation is a complicate field related to various elements。 Varied definitions can be concluded from different perspective。 It seems that reaching an agreement on its definition is of great difficulty。 However, it is the different definitions and theories advanced by researchers that make a distinguished contribution to the progress of motivation research。

    2。2。2 Types of motivation

This part will introduce the major types of learning motivation。 In general, there are two classical classification of motivation: instrumental motivation and integrative motivation, extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation。

2。2。2。1 Integrative Motivation versus Instrumental Motivation

    Gardener & Lambert (1972) bring up integrative motivation and instrumental motivation。 For one thing, learners with integrative motivate concern with those who have particular interest in second language learning, hoping to communicate with the natives and become one of the members of the community in the end。 They want to learn a language as well as accept the culture and lifestyles of people who speak that language。 For another, learners with instrumental motivation look forward to the advantages the language brings to them, such as finding a desirable job。 For Gardner & Lamber’s part, the learning effect of learner with integrative motivation is better than that of with instrumental motivation。 Besides, it is easier for the former learners to acquire the language文献综述

    2。2。2。2 Intrinsic Motivation versus Extrinsic Motivation

    Deci & Ryan (1985) develop a new motivation theory: self-determination theory, which suggests that human beings are active subjects and are born to develop one’s psychology and potentials so it leads people to participate in doing what they takes interest in。 Ground on this theory, motivation is categorized into two types: intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation。

    As a matter of fact, it is of controversy to define these two types of motivation。 On the one hand, intrinsic motivation is closely related to learners themselves such as learning interest, curiosity of knowledge and self-fulfillment。 On the other hand, extrinsic motivation is affected deeply by exterior factors such as achieving high marks and avoiding being punished。

    A great amount of researchers insist the significance of motivation in second language learning。 Most of them maintain that motivation could stimulate learners’ learning interest better。 In general, students with intrinsic motivation are much easier to achieve success in learning a foreign language, while students with extrinsic motivation would continue learning driven by the reward of exterior factors but they lack initiative in learning。

In summary, two major types of motivation mentioned are generally considered as corresponding。 In other word, integrative motivation is similar to intrinsic motivation, while instrumental motivation has the same meaning with extrinsic motivation。

    2。2。3 Previous Studies of Learning Motivation

    During the last 40 years or so, a large number of researches have developed to highlight the significance of motivation in L2 learning (e。g。 Gardner & Lambert, 1972; Clement, 1980; Dornyei, 1994; Tremblay & Gardner, 1995)。 The studies on motivation have been multidimensional since the 1990s and the modern psychological researches demonstrate that the essence of learning motivation lies in the learners’ learning needs。 Moreover, the contents and the forms of the learning needs vary。 In brief, learning motivation is a dynamic expressing form of L2 learners’ learning needs。来*自-优=尔,论:文+网

    Since 1990s, to develop Gardner’s classical models of motivation, some researchers suggest that we should gradually take advantages of educational-psychological theory, such as cognitive, behavior and humanistic theory。

















