
    3.1 Overview of Translation Theory of Financial English..8
    3.2 Overview of Translation Principle of Financial English9
    3.3 Conclusion10
    4 The Translation Strategies of the Financial English Words.11
    4.1 The Literal Translation of the Terminologies.11
    4.2 The Free Translation of Some Parts11
    4.3 The Shift of the Part of Speech.12
    4.4 The Adaption of the Cultural Context13
    4.5 No Mistranslation.15
    5 Conclusion..17
    1 Introduction
    Since China joined the World Trade Organization in the year of 2001, Chinese financial industry has been geared to international standards for boosting its competitiveness. In a consequence, the speed of economical advancement as well as the internationalization is rocketing. Being as one of the economical giants in the world, the amount of Chinese annual foreign investment has reached tens of billions of dollars. Also, its trade volume has already exceeded one trillion dollars. With the associations between China and other countries getting more and more extensive and in-depth, the public are being more aware that it is much important for financers to communicate with each others by financial English. In addition, in the year of 2008, with the reports of the news about “the collapse of Wall street”, “the US sub-prime crisis” coming into light, the world was under the shadow of world economic crises. People are having more chances to access to the fields of the financial and business affairs. Nevertheless, the present knowledge reserve of financial English is far from being enough to meet the need of rapid development of finance. It may lead to the mistakes of understanding or even the failures of communicating for the bankers and institutions in the daily flows of finance industry. As a result, there is an urgent demand for scholars and experts to do more researches and studies in the filed of financial English.

    In terms of the translation of financial English, it particularly requires more attention and efforts to explore for being as an indispensable part of financial English. In recent years, though financial English translation has been separated from the business English translation, it is still in its period of infant stage. The majorities of the research results are, however, the inpidual studies of the practical writing’s translation in business such as letters of guarantee, applications, letters of authorization, audit reports, informs and advertisements. The comprehensive, systematical and targeted studies of the features and translation strategies of financial English words are being attached little importance, which only represent slight proportions. However, it is obvious for people to see that there are a large number of technical terms, which may cause the difficulty of translating. Therefore, a large part of translators did mistranslations in practice for the shortage of an authorized and comprehensive works and dictionaries to refer to. Some translator, when he or she is confused about the meaning of some terms, would just refer to the explanation from the common dictionaries instead of making any further exploration of the real meaning of the words. Even if they do so, some materials, which must be translated with good command of the cultural knowledge, would be mistranslated.

    In this thesis, the author intends to discuss the distinct features of the financial English words and then propose some efficient translation strategies, correspondingly. In terms of the first part, the features of the financial English terms would be clarified into five categories, which are the polysemy of the financial words, the oneness of the terminologies, the conciseness of financial words, the historicalness of words, and the epochal character of the words, respectively. Given typical examples, each feature could be analyzed on the basis of linguistic theories, such as semantics, morphology. Then, in the following parts, in accordance with the above features of financial English, the translation strategies would be listed from the views of linguistics, culture and further elaborated with the support of professional translation theories. Precisely, they are related to the literal translation of the terminologies, the free translation of some parts, and the shift of the part of speech, the adaption of the cultural context and the avoidance of mistranslations.
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