According to the main mistakes of Chinese students who learn EFL writing: vague contents, Chinglish expression and lack coherence and focus(Ma & Wen,1999; Cai, 2002), which reflect a weak part of students that they don’t have enough comprehensible input knowledge (Krashen, 1981)。 However this flaw can not be solved by the above approaches, students need to gain more comprehensive input knowledge。 In order to solve this problem, reading-to-write approach was put forward。 Ding & Wu (1984) proposes that it is thought that students can attain good diction by wide and careful reading and by consulting dictionaries。 文献综述

When it comes to reading to write approach, we have to explore the relationship between them。 Stein’s (1990) reading-to-write in L1 hypothesis mentions that there are four steps which students need to follow when writing: monitoring, elaborating, structuring and planning。 It is thought that the theoretical basis for examining L2 writing is based on L1 theory, particularly with regarding to writing process theory, simply because these concepts have been in place longer and can be adapted for second language use (Krapels,1990; Weigle, 2002)。 

    As time went by, along with the deepening of the study of it, more findings have been offered and more conclusions have been drowned。 For example, “Writers must first be readers” (Bracewell and Frederisken, 1982)。 Researchers realized that Reading has positive effects on the improvement of learners writing competence。 Squire (1983) thinks that reading and writing affect and support the improvement of reading, writing and thinking。 During this period, reading-to-write approach was put forward。 It is a way that students are asked to write a composition based on reading an appointed text。 

2。2 Reading-to-write Approach

2。2。1 The theoretical bases of reading-to-write approach

Stephen Krashen purports a hypothesis: comprehensive input。 He thinks that learners acquire a second language by hearing and understanding messages that are slightly above their current second language level。 

There are two ways of understanding language material:

(1) Students utilize context in reading text consciously。 

(2) Teacher simplifies the provided input。 

    Obviously, the second one is more effectively for most students。 His theory provides a firm theoretical support for reading-to-write approach。 Reading, as a way of input, teacher has to pay more attention on the choosing of material, for its importance of cultivating writing competence。 来*自~优|尔^论:文+网 +QQ752018766*

    Output hypothesis is proposed by Swain (1985)。 Second language researchers believe that learners need chances to practice and text their second language competency, after that they will have clearly realization of their second language competence。 This kind of practice is called comprehensive output (Wang lifei, 2007)。 More and more researchers realize that the significance of comprehensive output in second language learning。 Swain proposes that the acts of output could attract students’ attention on the mistakes and weak parts in language learning which they didn’t realize before。 It also provides students opportunities to deal with some problems about semantic and grammar so that they will have deeper understandings of the language。 

    To sum up, both researchers at home and abroad have tried to do some researches in both theory and practice about the second language writing and conduct a great number of studies combining reading and writing。 The relationship between reading and writing also has been realized。

















