William Somerset Maugham’ s Artistic View in  The Moon And Sixpence

Abstract William Somerset Maugham is a famous English novelist and dramatist。 The Moon And Sixpence is one of his masterpieces in which he depicts the life experience of a frenetic art lover。 Someone regards the experience of protagonist as Gauguin’s, but while creating the feature Maugham inevitably puts his personal attitude into the story。 Thus the protagonist here can be thought as a symbol of Maugham’ view。 Through the development of the story, especially the change of the protagonist, from a dull stockbroker to a crazy artist, Maugham shows us the art is a way of self-fulfillment and self-improvement。 He believes art is a kind of inner pursuit which drives people to pay attention on their real needs。74894


Keywords: artist: artistic view: self-fulfillment: self-improvement 


摘要威廉·萨默塞特·毛姆是英国著名小说家和戏剧家,其著作有月亮和六便士。在月亮和六便士一书中, 毛姆刻画了一个艺术狂热者的生活经历,有些人认为这个故事的原材料取自于高更的生平,但是毛姆在创作的过程借以高更的故事不可避免地会融入自己对绘画对艺术的看法态度。因此,此书中的主人公既是整篇小说的关键人物,也是毛姆对艺术理解的化身。随着小说故事情节的发展,尤其是在刻画主人公从最初低调沉默甚至是有些乏味到最后的不顾世俗去追求所想的形象转变中,毛姆表达出艺术能使人得以自我满足与自我提升,艺术是一种内心的追求,驱使着人们关注自己真正的需求。

毕业论文关键词:艺术家; 艺术观;  自我满足; 自我提升 


1。 Introduction 1

2。 Art in Strickland' s life 3

    2。1 Life in London 3

2。2 Life in Paris 3

    2。3 Life in Tahiti                        4

3。 Maugham' s artistic view: Art is a Way of Self-fulfillment and Self-improvement 6

3。1 Self-fulfillment 6

3。2 Self-improvement 7

4。 Conclusion 8

5。 References                                                 。。9

1。 Introduction

William Somerset Maugham is a famous English novelist and dramatist, who loses his parents in childhood and then his uncle brings him up in England。 His childhood is full of torment and humiliation because of his appearance and stammer, but all of this do not make him lose the hope of life。 In 1892, Maugham tried to learn Schopenhauer' s philosophy and Henrik Ibsen’ s drama in University Heidelberg, and after that he spent five years in St。 Thomas medical school studying medicine, and this experience provided him with the opportunity to get close to the lives of those at the bottom of the pile and also enabled him to view society and life with keen visions。 In 1897, Maugham made a crucial decision。 He made up his mind to abandon medicine for literature and began to immerse himself in creation。 Maugham spent his final years in French Riviera and died in 1965。 We can say Maugham devotes his life to literary creation, and maybe learning about the biography of Maugham’ s life, especially his miserable childhood, will be a good method for us to have a better understanding of Maugham’ s figures in the works。论文网

















