1。 In the literature history, it has the precedent of Satan ’ s heroic image in Caedmon ’s Hymns

2。 The  positive depiction about the Satan in the first two books shows the rebellious spirit  and courage of Satan。

3。 Milton made a full depiction of  Satan ’s image  and a pale depiction of God’s  image。

4。 Satan is the symbol of the failed but progressive bourgeoisie and Milton stood at the side of Satan unconsciously

        1。3 Reasons for the  negative image of Satan

First of all, I consider Milton’s identity and belief。 Milton was born in a rich Puritan family, and he is also very pious。 As a pious puritan, Milton always believed God is just, righteous and loving, and he can never tolerate the words and deeds that blaspheme and disrespect God。 Moreover, the Christian values impacted on his works a lot。 And at that time, most people believed in God。 If this epic was praising Satan and shaped a positive image of him, people would  never receive this book and surely would make a stir。 But the reality was not。 Most of comments in 17th and 18th centuries are positive。 (陈燊,1992:5,23,25) Therefore, considering  Milton’s belief and social values and belief, Satan will never be a hero。

Secondly, the title and plot can also prove Satan is a negative image。 The title of this epic is Paradise Lost。 And who is the subject? It is Adam and Eve, rather than Satan, that lost the Paradise。 As for plot, it is a story that Adam and Eve was seduced to sin by Satan, choosing to disobey God’s command, and were evicted  from Eden but still had hope thanks to the redemption from God’s Son。 The leading role is man, and Satan is just a supporting and negative role in the epic that facilitates the process of the whole event, man’s degeneration。 The depiction of Satan is aimed to serve the plot。

Thirdly, Milton himself stated his composing purpose of this epic in the very beginning of the epic that he  “may assert Eternal Providence, and justify the ways of God to men”。 (Milton, 2013:2)And considering his another sonnet, On His Blindness ,readers can also find hidden motivation of writing this epic。(魏健,2013:87-89) This famous sonnet was probably written when Milton became completely blind。 And readers can find a huge change in the topic of his works from political ones to religious ones。 The sonnet may not just about blindness and it also revealed the reason of such change。 He wanted to use his abilities to serve God so he wrote many religious works including this epic。 And another work Paradise Regained has the same setting and character, and in fact it is the sequel of Paradise Lost。 But in this work, Satan is depicted directly as a devil without any irony and comparison。

Moreover, when reading between lines in this epic, readers will discover many words that show Satan’s nature and his negative image。 Milton portrayed Satan from many aspects, such as expression, movement and speech。 And three major features, evil, hypocritical and arrogant, can be founded through these portrayals。 

From what has been discussed above, the reasons why Satan is a negative  image are listed as followed:

1。 Milton is a pious puritan and he will never write an epic praising Satan and charging God。 

2。 The title and plot can also support Satan is a negative and supporting role in the epic。

3。 Milton stated his composing purpose of this epic in the beginning and other works also showed the religious purpose and theme of it。


















