2。 Literature Review

Many scholars have studied Sense and Sensibility from different angles during all these years and they have made some achievements。

 In 2008,Wang Jingmin published the paper Looking at Her Marriage through Jane Austen’s Novels。 She believes that sense is more important than sensibility, and she also holds the opinion that you should make sure your partner’s economic conditions before you get married。 Personally, this kind of advice can make sure women have a decent life。 Austen supports this opinion。

 However, Yang Pei has different ideas。 He published the paper named The Transformation of Marriage in 2013。 He thinks that when we choose a life partner, we should put our heart into the marriage, so this marriage has the possibility to be stable。 Besides, Li Hui has another idea。 He published the paper named The Brief Introduction of Jane Austen’s Marriage in 2003。 He thinks that author’s view of marriage is  a reflection of her own view of moral。 Some scholars analyze the whole work from the perspective of perceptual and rational angle。 There are also some other scholars who stand at the height of the whole work, to analyze the opposition and harmony within the work。 We know that different people have their own opinions on the work, so Sense and Sensibility can be explained by readers’ own understanding。 There is no right or wrong between them, and at the same time, we can see more vivid and real characters。 These brand new ideas can provide us with a wide horizon and help us understand the work better。 

3。Marianne’s View of Marriage   

Marianne is a nonconformist who resists the conventions of society。 She may have been sensible in her youth, but not anymore when she grew up。 Marianne got the sincere man Brandon’s attention, but she did not like him at all。 And then she met the love of her life, her prince charming, the handsome romantic Willoughby。 Unfortunately, he was not that perfect as she thought。 Willoughby did not overcome the temptation of money。 Poor Marianne did not see that coming。 After her bitter experience, she became concerned for others。 She realized what a childish and silly girl she used to be。 And her sister Eleanor’s words was right。 Marianne was impulsive at some point。”Her sorrows, her joys, could have no moderation。 She was everything but prudent。”(Jane Austen,1988:69) 来,自,优.尔:论;文*网www.youerw.com +QQ752018766-

3。1 Marianne’s image created by Austen

Jane Austen described Marianne as an open and natural girl。 She was so smart, but too emotional and sensitive。 Sometimes it seems that she could not control herself at all。 Marianne was very kind and generous but never rational and attentive。 She seems only concerned about herself, her own happiness。 She has very different character from her sister Eleanor。 Somehow she just ignored the social standard, and always tried to figure out her own way to treat people。 And also she drew a clear demarcation between whom to hate or love。 We can see her character immediately when she first expressed her own feeling about a princess charming。

“Edward is friendly and I love him, but he is not handsome or charming。 Besides, he has no real talents。 He dose not know music, and though he appreciates Eleanor drawings very much, he knows nothing about drawing himself。 He appreciated her drawings as a lover would, not as an artist。 I could not be happy with such a man。 He should have the same interest as I; the same books, the same music must charm us both。 Oh Mama! How untalented Edward is! However, Eleanor does not have my feelings, and therefore, she might be happy with him。”(Jane Austen,1988:6) 

















