Abstract Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961), was one of the most important figures in American literature。 Many readers think Hemingway tends to create works from the male perspective, and “tough men” are always the focus of Hemingway’s attention。 However, he also has strong feminine consciousness。 Although women do not play a dominate role in his works, they are still indispensable and irreplaceable in building up the “tough man” spirit。 In his works, Hemingway has depicted many impressive female characters, and authentically records women’s survival and mental state in that era。 The author will analyze the female images in his works and explore the causes of the formation of these female images from four aspects, including social background, Hemingway’s family environment, inpidual experience and his marriages。 This paper aims at helping readers have a better understanding of feminine survival state in that special period。75872

Keywords: Hemingway; female image; feminine consciousness 




1。 Introduction 1

2。 Literature Review 2

3。 Female Images in Hemingway’s Works 2

3。1 Pitiful Women 3

3。2 Ideal Women 4

3。3 Rebellious Women 5

4。 Causes of Formation of Female Images in Hemingway’s Works 6

4。1 Social background 6

4。2 Family environment 7

4。3 Inpidual experience 8

4。4 Complex marriages 10

5。 Conclusion 12

Works cited 13

1。 Introduction

Ernest Hemingway is known as one of the most famous American writers in the 20th century。 He lived in a period when the western patriarchal culture was gradually falling into decay and the female consciousness was already waking up。 Hemingway is more inclined to create works from the perspective of male and build the images of unyielding men, which has caused the endless debates in critical circles。 The focus of critics’ debate is Ernest Hemingway’s attitude towards women。 On the one hand, many people believe that he discriminates against women and is disgusted with women。 So only the “tough man” images exist in his works。 On the other hand, some critics think that he has strong feminine consciousness and his works indeed embody the strong feminine consciousness。 The author thinks that Hemingway appreciates “tough men”, but it doesn’t mean that he disgusts women。 In fact, in his works, he not only shapes a lot of male characters called “hard-man”, but also depicts many unforgettable female characters。 His works are the authentic records of women’s survival state in that times。 In the face of the world filled with chaos and violence, though women are not content with the current status, they are unable to change fate。 As a result, loneliness and straying situation make them confused about what to do。 In the social background of that time, their fate is tragic。 So putting the Hemingway’s works into the cultural and historical background at that time can help readers have a better understanding of women’s survival state and their fate in that special period。论文网

















