Abstract International business negotiation is a cross-national business communication。 This kind of communication is accomplished by verbal and non-verbal, Body language in different countries has different meanings。 If you know difference of body language, you will make a successful negotiation, but if you know nothing, you will be doomed to make unsuccessful negotiation。 This essay mainly introduces the differences of body language in business negotiation between China and America, causes of difference of body language between China and America, and the ways of reducing conflicts in Sino-US negotiation。75871

Keywords: body language; differences; negotiation;conflicts;




1。 Introduction。。1

2。 Literature Review。2

3。 Definitions。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。2

3。1 The definition of cross-cultural communication。。。2

2。2The definition of body language。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。3

2。3The definition of business negotiation。。。。3

4。 Conflicts of Body Language in Sino-US Business Negotiations4


4。2 Eye contact。5

4。3Facial expression。6

4。4 Physical distance。。。。。。。。7

4。5 Silence8

5。 Causes of the Conflict in Body Language in Sino-US Business Negotiations。9

5。1 Values 9

5。2 Social ritual。。。。9

6。 Suggestions to Reduce the Conflicts in Sino-US Business Negotiations。。10

6。1 Forming the awareness of cross-cultural communication。。。10

6。2 Having a tolerant attitude。11


Works Cited。。。。。。12

1。 Introduction

With the development of global economy, body language has a great impact on cross-cultural negotiation。 In general, business communication is expressed by language and body language。  Language communication is a common way to express people’s thoughts by words, which is a fundamental means of business negotiation, however, Body language is also called human body language and nonverbal communication, refers to convey by the non-verbal。 According to the statistics of scholars, in all communication, 93% is by nonverbal communication。

Negotiations were conducted among businessmen from China and America。 Due to different culture, the same movement has different meanings in different countries。 For example, a circle is held by the thumb and the index finger, in the United States means that everything is very good, while in China, it means zero。 文献综述

Body language has a very wide range, in international business negotiations, including gestures, eye contact, facial expression, physical distance。

2。 Literature Review

Body language plays an important role in cross-cultural negotiation。 We need to know more about cross-culture, body language and negotiation。 A study in the United States shows that in people’s communication, 93% of the information is transmitted by the intonation and facial expression, and only 7% of the information is expressed by the language。 (Mehrabian A &Wierner M。, 1967) American Anthropologists E。 T。 Hall points out that the meaning of a silent language is much more than that of sound。 Samovar also makes the further study on the proportion of the non-verbal communication in the communicative activities , in the face to face communication, information expresses through language account for 35%, and non language behavior (mainly is the information of the body language )expresses by up to 65% (samovar et al。, 1982)。 When a Chinese meet an American friend, would kiss each other be offensive for the Chinese? If two young friends of the same sex walk with their arms around each other’s shoulders would English-speaking people regard this as being proper? Does nodding head mean ‘yes’ and shaking means ‘no’ in all cultures? I’m afraid nobody can give a positive or negative answer about the above questions, because the same behavior in different culture has different meanings。 Language is one of the gifts of human being。 It lets us share our experiences, helps us learn from others, and allows us to communicate across time, but language is only one of the ways we communicate, Gestures and body language communication as effectively as words, maybe even more effectively, we can use body language to gather information from our surroundings too。 The more you understand body language and its affect on others, the better you will be in communicating with co-workers, bosses, clients, and others you encounter during the day。 By making simple adjustments to your gestures, facial expressions and mannerisms, you can improve the way others view you。 In fact, in some respects our primary means of understanding each other are two things we have in common with the rest of the animal world: our eyes and our bodies。 Without gestures, our world would be static and colorless “A psychologist proposed a formula: the total impact of message = 7% verbal 38% vocal 55% facial expressions and behavior。”  (徐小丹,2004:2)

















