2。 Literature Review

     Many researches had been conducted at early time。 For example, Lin Qiuyun simply laid emphasis on translation techniques, ignoring the cultural and commercial characteristics of movie titles (Lin 13), as did Ning Zhishou (Ning 58)。 After the 21st century, scholars began to do some exploration from different aspects。 From the perspective of titles’ functional features, they started to make a further research based on the previous theory (Lin 13)。 He Ying put forward four classification methods, they are literal translation, free translation, transliteration and creative translation (He 56)。 Her viewpoint was based on the overall consideration and analysis of movie titles’ origins, styles, functions and categories。 In addition, Fang Yongbin and Wang Xiaotong paid more attention to movie titles’ advertising and cultural features (Fang and Wang 116)。 However, nowadays, researchers are stressing more and more emphasis on the value of cultural communication, commercial profits and artistic effects in translating movie titles。 文献综述

     Language is part of a culture, so interpreting from one language into another cannot be finished satisfactorily without sufficient knowledge of the two cultures involved。 Translating consists in reproducing the receptor language and the closest natural equivalent of the source language (Nida 12)。 In recent years, translation is taken as a communicative activity of cross-culture。 Christiane Nord used “intercultural communication” to replace the item “translation”; Holz Manttari even took “intercultural cooperation” in place of it。 As for Andre Lefevere, translation is the process of cultural fusion, and R。 Daniel Shaw created the word “transculturation”。 (Guo 13) So, we can obviously find that translation is closely connected with culture。 There is no clear border between culture and translation。

3。Brief Analysis of Culture

     As far as I am concerned, “culture” is the most complicated word in history, whether its connotation or denotation, and strictly speaking, no one can clearly distinguish it from any other things。 

     Since 1950s, the word “culture” has become the most interesting topic throughout the world。 As for its definition, opinions vary。 For example, British cultural anthropologist Edward Burnnet Tylor defines it as a complex whole including knowledge, belief, art and many other human inner qualities (Edward 22)。 Culture now can be described as mutual fusion and co-evolution。 As for its actual content, someone may say culture is involved in the whole process of human history, while others may hold the opinion that it is about the results of human revolution。 To some degree, culture is what we have learned during our growth, that means we know what is culture, on the contradictory, culture is still something unknown and mysterious to us。

3。1 Mainland China being antique and elegant

     China has been a multi-religion country since the ancient times。 It is well known that Confucianism is an indigenous religion and is the soul of Chinese culture, which enjoyed popular support among people and even became the guiding ideology for feudalism society, the traditions and principles in the Confucianism played an important role in the formation of Chinese people’s thinking patterns and teaching methods, but it did not develop into a national belief。 It makes the culture more tolerant to others, thus, many other religions have been brought into the country in different dynasties, but none of them developed powerful enough in the history and they only provided perse people with more spiritual support。 As a result, in the long course of history, innumerous rich and varied heritage has endowed the vast landscape with many features and qualities。 As a whole, the most typical and remarkable ones are its elegance and restraining。 China can be regarded as an antique verse, if the inserted flowers are common and simple, the verse can make it out of ordinary; if the arranged flowers are bright-colored and beautiful, the verse can make it elegant and graceful。 来,自,优.尔:论;文*网www.youerw.com +QQ752018766-

















