3。2。2 Parents’ expectations for their children 12

3。2。3 Teachers’ recognition and evaluation of students’ English learning 13

Chapter Four Strategies to stimulate students’ English-learning motivation 14

4。1 Creating a relaxed atmosphere and stimulating students’ interest 14

4。2 Using flexibly English teaching materials to carry out teaching activities 14

4。3 Taking the appropriate encouragement measures 15

4。4 Setting up positive expectations on the students 16

Chapter Five Conclusion 17

References 19

Brief Account on the Strategies of Stimulating

Students’ English-Learning Motivation in Primary School

Chapter One Introduction

1。1 The background

In today’s world, with the rapid development of science and technology, the process of economic globalization is speeding up。 Foreign languages also play an irreplaceable role in economic and cultural aspects。 Especially, English as an international language, is widely used in various fields。 Learning and mastering a foreign language is one of the basic requirements for citizens in twenty-first Century。 These days more and more people have a strong interest in learning foreign languages。 Yang Lianrui surveyed that over 2。5 billion people had been learning foreign languages in China, among which more than millions were pupils。 (Yang Lianrui, 1998, 35-39) 论文网

In addition, English teaching in primary schools has received great attention and has entered an unprecedented period of development。 Therefore, it is of great significance to study and understand the pupils’ English-learning motivation。 For teachers’ teaching, students are the main body of learning。 All the productive teaching can not be separated from the active participation of the students。 In this sense, it is the premise and guarantee to stimulate and maintain the students’ learning motivation。 For students, they often can not really understand the real motivation of their learning behavior。 Only when they are aware of their own learning motivation, can they learn and develop better。 The learning motivation theory is the basis of stimulating students’ learning motivation and it can make teachers understand the conditions where the students’ learning motivation is the most appropriate, and know how to stimulate their learning motivation。

1。2 The significance and purpose

The learning motivation is an important factor influencing the learning behavior and learning effect during English learning process in primary school。 Motivation enhances the degree of the learners’ efforts in foreign language learning and determines their learning methods。 Also, the learning motivation is the basic motivation for students to learn。 Students with a high level of motivation are also high on their academic achievements。 So, how to stimulate students’ English-learning motivation is especially important。 If the student has no power or lack the learning motivation, it is very difficult to get good grades though he is very clever。 It is very important for students who want to improve their learning achievements to stimulate their motivation。 The teachers should stimulate students’ English-learning motivation from many aspects to achieve the effect of students’ English learning。 For example, they should make the students feel the fun of learning in the monotonous class。 They should also digress from the traditional English teaching mode and let students experience the fun of being the masters of learning。

















