By far, many scholars have done meritorious researches on almost all aspects of this play。 In terms of writing skills, many scholars pay attention to the realism of the symbols or poetry in the drama。 In addition, innumerable efforts have been put into finding out the reasons for the tragedy of Blanche。 The purpose of this thesis is to contact the author to reveal the thematic metaphor, the tolerance to social marginal characters through the analysis of the characters in the play。

2。 Literature Review

After the advent of A Streetcar Named Desire, especially Blanche’ tragedy has attracted many people’s attention。 Most of the comments to the heroine Blanche as a sick woman to criticize, argue that Blanche represents the backwardness and ignorance of the old South, and Stanley represents the new industrial powers of the north。 So the theme of plays attributed to perish in the south the old forces and new Northern potential force of conflict in the south the historical inevitability。 Although there are some researches interpret the plays from the perspective of gender conflict, finally they put topic metaphor because of historical and social conflict, and do not reveal the fundamental intention of the characterization of sexual conflict。 For example, as the earliest scholar to study Williams’ works, Nancy Tischler described the theme of a streetcar named Desire as so: “A story of family conflicts, about demand in the past to now, civilization suffered brutal, disease threats to health, violence by men to women。”文献综述

 In China, research is mainly aimed at this aspect。 Professor Wang Yiqun believes that the main description of the play is the contradiction and conflict between Blanche and Stanley。 Blanche’s failure represents the whole conservative society’s failure, the failure of the decline of the south, also the noble class in the face of the failure of the asset in the north。 As Wu Wenquan pointed out that perhaps in the Chinese culture of heterogeneous culture neutral factors filtering。 After A Streetcar Named Desire, especially the tragedy of Blanche aroused many people’s attention。 To sum up, there are three types of arguments。 First, most of the scholars argue that Blanche’s tragedy is caused by patriarchal society。 “The conclusion is that misled by patriarchal morality and threatened by the cruel reality, Blanche falls victim to patriarchal conventions in modern society”。 The group primarily focuses on the objective reasons。 Secondly, another group of scholars analyze the Blanche’s spirit world from the subjective reasons。 They believe that “ Blanche is occupied with guilt caused by the death of her husband, which automatically suggests that such emotions would lead to her subsequent tragedy。 Studying her anxiety disorders can lend an immediate insight into Blanche’s spiritual world”。 The last group’s researches show that Blanche represents the South and Stanley stands for the North。 Blanche’s tragedy indicates that the rapid and barbaric growth of the North has destroyed the culture of the South plantation。 This thesis argue that researchers should not only pay attention to the conflict between Blanche and Stanley , but also be concerned about the other characters in the play。 In fact, no matter the Blanche’s fall, Stanley’s rough , the sister’s selfishness, or Allan’s sexuality, these are the existence of social conflict。 These marginal figures show a behavior that does not conform to the mainstream of society。 So they become social outcasts, resulting in a series of tragedies。 The creation of the play’s desire is that he is eager to tolerance of society for his sexual orientation , and this kind of desire is doomed to failure in that social background。 So the theme metaphor can be summarized as desire to tragedy。来,自,优.尔:论;文*网 +QQ752018766-

















