The first part, the author will introduce some definition and theories of Cooperative Learning。 And the second part, the author will analyze the present situation of English writing in junior high school and the third part the author will present a study which is related to Cooperative Learning method in English writing teaching。 The last two parts will focus on the advantages of Cooperative Learning method in English writing and draw a conclusion according to the research in Cooperative Learning method。

2。 Literature Review

2。1 The definition of Cooperative Learning

As to be known Cooperative Learning sprung up in the United States in the early 1970s, and was a creative and effective teaching theory and strategy, which have made substantial progress in the mid-70s to mid-80s。 Because it can improve social psychological atmosphere, enhance the academic performance of students in a large area and promote students to form good non-cognitive quality and other aspects of remarkable effectiveness。 Cooperative Learning has drawn attention from countries around the world in a short time and has become one of the contemporary mainstream teaching theories and strategies, known as the most important and successful teaching reform in recent years。 Since the late 1980s and early 1990s, the Cooperative Learning research and experiment also appeared in our country, and has yielded better achievements。 After many years of research and development at home and abroad, Cooperative Learning has become a mature theory of teaching。 It is now applied widely in the world, and in our country it is a hot word in both middle schools and colleges。 In order to carry out Cooperative Learning more effectively, we must study the connotation of Cooperative Learning seriously。 The following is the definition of some domestic and overseas Cooperative Learning research of Cooperative Learning。

One of the famous professor Slavin, the main representative of Cooperative Learning, points out: Cooperative Learning is to instigate students to engage in learning activities based on the team, and to rely on the results of their entire team for award or recognition of classroom teaching technology (Slavin 32)。 Johnson brothers say: Cooperative Learning is the use of group teaching, which enables students to maximize their own and others’ learning by joint activities (Johnson,Johnson and Hulubec 45)。 Wang Tan, the scholar of our country, thinks: Cooperative Learning is a form of classroom teaching, which is mainly based on the organization of group learning。 According to certain cooperative progress and methods, Cooperative Learning urges students to learn together in the heterogeneous group, which cooperative relationships contributed to students’ cognitive, emotional teaching strategy system (Wang 54)。

2。2 Theoretical bases of Cooperative Learning

It is generally believed that Cooperative Learning is a teaching tactic that organizes the students to study in group, and by means of coordination of activities between teachers and students to complete the study task。 The emergence and development of Cooperative Learning has a solid base and scientific theory development。 The theoretical basis of Cooperative Learning is mainly manifested in the following aspects:

2。2。1 Constructivism Theory

Constructivism learning theory is that “The learning process does not mean learners accept knowledge passively or the process of outside-in transfer, but the process of constructing their knowledge and experience actively, which is put forward by Gao Wen (Gao 23)。 That is to say, the result of learning is the student’s inpidual knowledge experience has been reorganized, instead of accepting the knowledge。” Teaching is to promote the cooperation between the students and make students understand the different points of view。 Students discuss and communicate with each other in teachers’ organization and guidance, so that teachers and students can share everyone’s point of view and the wisdom together, and complete the meaning of knowledge construction。 Therefore, cooperative learning has received extensive attention and study by constructivists。

















