As a kind of written form’s initiative skill, English writing is not only a process where human use language to express ideas, but also a process of discovering, analyzing and solving problems。 It can reflect students’ ability of organizing thoughts and language competence。 English writing, as a monomial form of communication and one of the four basic language skills, has gained more and more attention。 The ministry of education examines the traditional English writing teaching model, according to full-time compulsory education of ordinary senior middle school English new curriculum standard, which is promulgated newly。 Proceeding from the feature of writing itself and the actual situation of students, it advocates Task-Based Teaching and Cooperative Teaching。 With the goal of cultivating students’ comprehensive ability of using language, it also clears “Personalization, communication, persification” as the standard of writing, emphasizing the content and the students’ own responsibility and so on (Zhou 30)。

However, for a long time, how to teach English writing effectively has always been plagued by numerous English writing teachers。 Especially in high school, how to lay a solid foundation, let the students have substance in speech, be able to write, and even be good at writing are big problems the middle school English teachers are faced with。 文献综述

3。1。2 The model and characteristics of the cooperative English writing

Under the theory of Cooperative Learning, English writing teaching emphasizes the process of writing, rather than just the result。 The theoretical basis of the teaching model of English writing is Communicative Theory。 The theory of Cooperative Learning is actually a way of Communicative Theory, which carries it out entirely。 Communicative Approach, also known as function method, is developed in the early 1970s。 At present, the theory has become one of the biggest schools of foreign language teaching。 The starting point of the communicative approach is to express ideas in communicative activities。 The purpose of it is to cultivate students to master the skill of communicative skill。 And it demands communication in the teaching process and uses authentic language to communicate in the real social situations。

Of course, it is not suitable for our students to implement the communication principle in an extreme way。 At present, many foreign schools have adopted a cooperative teaching method based on communicative theory to conduct writing teaching。 Communicative theory regards writing itself as a communicative activity。 “Verbal auditory verbal, visual and verbal kinesthesia isn’t isolated perception。 In the process of spoken or written language, various senses will cooperate with each other and replenish each other”。 The application of cooperative learning is the process of writing focusing on the students。 In this process, a variety of students’ perception could play a role and achieve a certain degree of balance。 Students, in this critical stage, also timely get teachers or classmates’ help, feedback and guidance。 The teamwork writing has a positive impact on cultivating the absorption of writing ability, arousing students’ enthusiasms, and exploiting thinking ability。

Under the theory of Cooperative Learning, writing teaching cooperation theory emphasizes on the grammatical form, which is the challenge to the traditional teaching method, and aims to turn teachers’ attention from the evaluation, assessment of student products to the help of students so that to pay more attention to the process of writing。 In the writing process, by means of pre-writing activities, thinking, research, discussion, conception and modification to help them。 Flower and Hayes’s theory of cognitive processes of writing, points out writing is a complex, targeted, cyclical activities (Flower and Hayes 45)。 Teachers’ responsibilities in the process of writing is to stimulate students’ learning motivation, create a relaxed, free writing environment, and let them repeat writing and modify so that to explore new ideas, improve the content of article through perse writing activities。 Teachers should be ready to provide the necessary information and language help for students at any time, until it is finished。来,自,优.尔:论;文*网 +QQ752018766-

















