Undoubtedly English is becoming more and more important, and it counts more and more in today’s education。 No wander that the practice of children’s English education spreads up quickly and there are an increasing number of children who start to learn English from all over the country。 When it comes to kindergartens, they tend to offer English teaching according to the teaching resources, experiences and talents they have owned。 However, there are still some problems during the process of English teaching in kindergartens。 And the author thinks several reasons should be responsible for that。 Firstly, there is no universal teaching target。 Some kindergartens pay attention to the development of children’s listening, speaking and reading abilities。 But others focus on the letters and vocabularies。 Secondly, the teaching method is not so scientific。 In the teaching process, the whole students centre around the teacher, and students will imitate what teachers do。 There are too many mechanical repetitions during the learning process。 Thirdly, parents expect too much from their children。 In the past, when English was not so popular, many parents did not know English, and they suffered from lack of English knowledge, so they hope their children can do better in English。 They send their children to learn English without considering children’s interest。 All of these reasons contribute to the unsustainable development of English education, and at the same time, children may lose their interest in English。

Children are curious and energetic about many things。 They have strong abilities to imitate and learn with a good auditory sense and active thinking, so the whole learning process is simple and direct and it’s easy to guide them to form a good learning habit。 But the teachers also find that children’s attention is not stable and are easy to be distracted。 Interest is the best teacher for a child。 English is new and strange curriculum subject for children, so whether they can learn English well and whether they can lay a good foundation for the further learning will depend on children’s attention and interest。 Hence stimulating children’s interest in English learning is very important。 If a child is not interested in the learning English, it will be hard to achieve a good learning effect。 So interest is the inner motivation to learn and it can decide how long can a child keep focusing。文献综述

1。2 Definition of interest

The explanations of interest from psychology and education are quite unclear。 Historically, Herbart is the first one to define interest。 In his opinions, interest generally shows the features of some activities aroused from education。 If a man has mastered a lot of knowledge, and he desires to know more, that means he is interested in knowledge。 Kilpatrick thinks interest has two meanings。 One is that interest is an eternal possibility in an appointed; the other is that interest comes from the hard work, and once a man get interest, it will help him do better in learning。 (Guo Ge, 1990)

Interest is a kind of cognition trend with emotion factors。 It motivates people to know and to explore things as the most active factor in one’s life。 Generally, it can be pided into three types according to the development of one’s mentality。 The first is intuitive interest。 It is from one’s instinct and can be raised by bright colors, vivid images and behaviors。 Although shallow and unstable, it is beneficial to improve the learning efficiency and arouse a higher-level learning interest of students。 The second is conscious interest。 Produced by emotional activities, with the characteristics of stability and consciousness, it is a kind of mental factor with specific goals。 The third is potential interest。 It manifests as a strong and profound habit, which is a higher-level mental activity。 It will not be changed by some occasional factors or obstacles。 People with this kind of interest will seek joy amidst bitters and find much fun from the tedium。来,自,优.尔:论;文*网www.youerw.com +QQ752018766-

















