Despite there may still exist some skepticism about the application of Functional Equivalence to general translation practice, we can’t deny that the theory has profound influence on the translation study nowadays。 It has broken the shackles of traditional translation thoughts and provided a new angle for translation study by injecting new ideas, new concepts and new methods, making it more possible to conduct more detailed and deeper research on translation strategies from the angles of many other disciplines。 

2。2 Related Researches on the Scenery in Chinese Poetry 

Since scenery description is quite common in Chinese classical poetry, many a scholar has contributed their efforts to make researches on them。 

Wang fuzhi, a thinker during the early Qing-Dynasty and the later Ming-Dynasty, made an unprecedented, meticulous research and classification of the scenery in poetry, which emphasized the combination of scenery and emotion, the iconicity of the scenery。 He thinks the stunner in scenery is “scene in emotion” and “scene out of scene”, while the inferior one in scenery is “the stationary scene”。来,自,优.尔:论;文*网 +QQ752018766-

As one of the earliest anthologies of verse in China, Book of Songs is encyclopedic。 It not only contains the major subjects from the West Zhou to Chunqiu Period in the far ancient China, like polity, economy, military, as well as folk-customs, but also the chant through every inch and every hill, which shows the exquisite, rich and complex mental world of ancient Chinese people。 The earliest application of scenery description in Chinese verse can be found in Book of Songs。 Although there is no special chapter portraying landscape, but there are abundant scenery sentences, especially in folk songs。 These verses have played a great role in narrating events and expressing people’s feelings, and enhanced the great attractiveness of poetry art。 

Bao Zhenhe, another Chinese scholar, once summarized the common means of scenery description in Chinese poetry, namely, combination of activity and inertia, combination of front and side, combination of the void and the solid, combination of far and near, the use of line drawing and the combination of sounds and sights。

Comparatively speaking, foreign scholars haven’t done a thorough work like the Chinese do。 Surely, scenery description does occupy a significant position and carries rich connotations in western literature area; however, few people pay attention to it and make dedicated research on scenery translation in Chinese poetry。 

















