
毕业论文关键词:失衡; 俄狄浦斯情节; 灵魂; 肉体

David Herbert Lawrence is an important and controversial English writer of the 20th century。 He is famous for his description and analysis of the psychological activity of the characters, as well as his penetrating perspective of love and sex。 Sons and Lovers, the first of Lawrence’s important novel, is largely autobiographical。 While the novel initially incited a lukewarm critical reception, along with allegations of obscenity, it is regarded as a masterpiece by many critics today。 The Modern Library placed it ninth on their list of the 100 best novels of the 20th century。 In this masterpiece, D。 H。 Lawrence reveals his ideas on love through the sprouting and failure of love of several couples。 The paper tries to discuss the imbalance between spirit and flesh in Sons and Lovers by analyzing the failed marriage between Mr。 and Mrs。 Morel, and the love tragedies between protagonist Paul and his two lovers, Miriam and Clara, thus reflects the importance of the balance between spirit and flesh in healthy relationships between heterosexuality。

Keyword: imbalance; Oedipus; spirit; flesh

目    录

Abstract 2

Abstract in Chinese 2

Introduction 4

1。 1 Background 4

1。2 Research Both at Home and Abroad 7

1。3 Significance 9

1。4 The Structure of the Paper 9

2。 The Imbalance between Spirit and Flesh in Paul and Miriam’s Love Affair 10

2。1 The Puritan Love 10

2。2 The Carnal Desire 12

3。 The Imbalance between Spirit and Flesh in Paul and Clara’s Love Affair 13

3。1 The Carnal Love 13

3。2 The Lack of Spirit 15

4。 The Imbalance between Spirit and Flesh in Mr。 and Mrs。 Morel’s Marriage 16

4。1 The Void of Spirit 16

4。2 Oedipus Complex: the Negative Effect 17

5。 Conclusion 18

Bibliography 19

1。 Introduction

1。 1 Background

 David Herbert Lawrence (1885-1930) is the forerunner of modern psychological fiction, which places much emphasis on the description of the characters’ psychological activities。 Lawrence is well known for his novels written under the influence of Freud’s theory of psychological analysis。 He was born in Eastwood, Nottinghamshire。 His father was a coal-miner。 His mother, better educated than her husband and self-consciously genteel, fought all her married life to lift her children out of the working class。 At an early age, Lawrence noticed the struggle between his parents; he was very much on his mother’s side during his childhood because of his father’s coarse and sometimes drunken behavior。 After the death of an elder brother he became the center of his mother’s emotional life and played in his own relation to her a loving and protective role。 His mother’s abnormal love on him made bad influences on his relationships with girls。 And Lawrence, presented all the personal problems and conflicts that resulted in his first really distinguished novel, Sons and Lovers (1913)。 Spurred on by his mother, Lawrence escaped through education from the mining world of his father。 After receiving education at local schools and at Nottingham University College, Lawrence worked for a time as a teacher。 In the meantime, he began to write and publish literary works。 In 1912, he met Frieda von Richthofen, a German noblewoman and the wife of a professor at Nottingham University。 They fell in love, eloped to Europe, and were married in 1914 when she was porced by her husband。 Lawrence’s objection to Word War I, together with the German origin of his wife, caused them much trouble with the British authorities in 1914-1918。 After the war,they led a wandering life, living for brief periods in Germany, Austria, Italy, England, France, Australia, New Zealand, and America。 He died in France when he was 44。 Lawrence is a controversial figure, because his novels have many frank description of sex。 His most controversial novel is Lady Chatterlay’s Lover (1928)。 His literary output includes poems, stories, novelettes, novels, plays, literary criticism, essays and travel books。文献综述














