Abstract As carriers of culture, Chinese and English names are full of cultural connotations,and result in cultural gap between English and Chinese。Personal names are not only symbols which distinguish one person from others ,but also the symbols of social culture。 From the history of name translation, it has experienced a process from domestication to foreignization, then to the integration of these two strategies。 The reasons behind are thought-provoking。The paper is intended to analyze the causes of the existing chaos of western names translation ,point out the interpretive insufficiencies of the pronunciation of the owners’ language and the established popular translated names and put forward several solutions and suggestions for the purpose of further promoting the standardization of western name translation。76698

Keywords: name translation; domestication; foreignization;    cultural communication 




1。 Introduction1

2。 Literature Review2

3。The importance of accurate translation of names in cultural communication  。。3

4。The strategies for name translation

  4。1 transliteration 。10 

4。2 Free translation 。。11

  4。3 Name translation from domestication transliteration to alienation transliteration12

  4。4 The combination of transliteration and free translation14

5。The anomie, disadvantages and Countermeasures of foreign name translation14


Works Cited17

1。 Introduction 

Nnames are the symbols for inpiduals in society 。However, a person’s name ,composed of only several simple letters, carries with it rich cultural connotations。 Some Chinese distinguished writers hold that, name reflects not only the uniqueness of a particular culture, but also the knowledge which is indispensable to every citizen of a nation。 Therefore, it is significant to research the cultural connotation of personal names translation。 This paper, by comparing the similarities and differences between the origins of Western and Chinese names, reveals the cultural differences between Chinese and Western names。论文网

Translating names, we should adhere to some specific principles and rules, which may affect the readers’ understandings of the original information in inpidual names。 If we don’t master and use these principles appropriately, we may commit a blunder in the process of translation。 For example, during the visit of U。S。 president's to China in 2009, Washington Post published a Keith B Richbourg’s report in the newspapers ‘Diplomatic warfare:奥巴马 or 欧巴马?’ The paper said,欧巴马 is more line with the correct pronunciation of the current president's name in the United states。  The United States Embassy believes we use “ 欧巴马”,because it is closer to pronunciation。However,Chinese media has been using 奥巴马。According to the United States Embassy spokesman Shi Wenshan introduces ,the American government has been standardizing the Chinese translation of president’s name to deal with the situation that the two translations 奥巴马and欧巴马 are mixed。 We will use ‘欧巴马 ’unifiedly in the future。奥巴马 or 欧巴马?Some people think that this is not a problem, and it is just an issue of name translation。 So we don’t care much about it。 But the Chinese always lay emphasis on the appropriate name translation, let alone the translation of a name in relation to the top leader of the most world’s powerful country。 We learn a lot from this example。 Learning and researching the translation principles is important, or we would commit a blunder and be jeered by other countries。文献综述

















