2。 Literature Review

 Names are the symbols for inpiduals in the society。 Meanwhile, they also imply the information of a nation’s culture, history, geography, religion and class condition。 Names have their characteristics in different cultures。 Therefore, the differences in every element of names can reflect differences of culture 。 The names of the various nations are a kind of culture and every name has certainly cultural connotation。

Just as Yang Xiaofeng considers, in order to know the origins of Western names, we can research the origis of names from characters in ancient mythology, typical literary image and famous trademarks。 

English names were originated from the Middle Ages。 Not only are they from a number of sources, but also they actually reflect all aspects of Western society and culture。 In a way, we can say that English name is a window for us to know and learn Western society and culture。 As we know, name involves rich cultural connotation and reflects characteristics of the splendid civilization in human history, especially the sharp trait of a given nation。 In this case, it’s vital to study the culture and translation concerning names。 But there are many problems in translating names。 Although our country has basic rules in translating western names, this unwritten rule has actually been lack of binding and can not be complied well。 Therefore, the lack standardization in western name translation has become an indisputable fact。 This problem has three main reasons : the historical reason, the realistic reason and the cognitional reason。 Therefore, it is important to learn how to translate the personal name correctly 。 At the same time, Retaining their cultural features in the translated version is a challenging problem, which is encountered by all the translators。 This paper is intended to study the culture differences and the main methods of western name translation。 What’s more, the thesis also points out the interpretive insufficiencies of the pronunciation of the owners’ language and the established popular translated names and puts forward several solutions。 Meanwhile, the article introduces the author’s viewpoints some as follows: firstly, translators have to realize the importance of accurate translation of names in cultural communication for the purpose of translating names correctly from  来,自,优.尔:论;文*网www.youerw.com +QQ752018766-

the perspective of cultural differences。 Secondly, translators are obliged to master some strategies for name translation, such as transliteration, which is defined as translating names according to pronunciation, and free translation: translating names in terms of their meanings。 Thirdly, translators should have a knowledge of the changes of translation strategies from domestication transliteration to alienation transliteration and the combination of transliteration and free translation。 These changes actually reflect the changes of social language habits and the improvement of foreign languages and, what’s more, highlight the process of contact, conflict, collision and fusion in languages and cultures between the East and the West 。Last but not least, the translator should make a list of these aforementioned strategies in order to disclose the anomie, disadvantages and countermeasures of western name translation。 We know that the situation of western name translation is lack of standardization, so it is necessary to standardize western name translation。 Although the standard for western name translation is of great importance, the key to changing the lack of standardization situation lies in whether people take conscious actions。 As long as the various organizations, media, and translators make a careful and strict check of the name translation according to the standard, and do not use non-standard western name translation, the lack of standardization of western name translation will be fundamentally improved。

















