Games in language teaching are both a kind of educational concept and teaching strategies。 Accordingly, there are different classifications of game teaching method。 From the perspective of class procedure, it can be classified as before class game teaching, middle class game teaching, and after class game teaching。 Before class game teaching mainly refers to warming-up songs, jingle games, or showing pictures and comic videos with the assistance of multimedia to stimulate students’ interest and arouse their enthusiasm。 And middle class game teaching is mainly through role-play, scenario simulation to let students place themselves into real learning environment to learn words and sentence faster。 As for after class game teaching, it is a way of using simple scene simulation, telling a story or playing some music related to the theme to inspect their study effect and keep them away from slacking。文献综述

Moreover, from the perspective of teaching objectives, game teaching method can be pided into interest-aroused game teaching, operating game teaching and cooperative game teaching。 Interest-aroused game teaching is mainly taught by designing games which is based on primary school students’ characteristics of strong curiosity and vigor, and short duration of concentration to stimulate students’ interest of learning English。 And operating game teaching is to teach through designing games which can train students’ ability of thinking, expressing, and doing。 As to cooperative game teaching, it is a sort of teaching by designing games that pide students into several groups while playing games to cultivate students’ awareness of cooperation and train their abilities of cooperation。

3。1。2 Characteristics of game teaching method 

As a teaching method, game teaching method has its own characteristics。 First, there must be rules。 As we all know, one of big problem of classroom teaching in primary school is classroom management。 In other words, that is to control the discipline of the whole class。 But the potential problem is that pupils may be so excited while playing the game that the discipline of class is getting harder to control。 Hence rules are needed to make sure the teaching goes on well, and it should be made according the features of different class, different time and place and different games。 Second, there must exist competition。 One of attracted factors in game teaching is competition。 Students can compete with each other in a limited time or compete just between two persons at the same games。 Competition can add more joy at games and make more students join in games actively。 More importantly, it enables students to learn English happily。 Third, there needs to be enjoyment。 Primary school students have a nature of curiosity but not have a strong will to learn things constantly。 So game teaching must be interesting enough to attract students’ attention and strengthen their initiative to learn English。

3。2 Principles of using games

3。2。1 Utilizing persity of games flexibly来,自,优.尔:论;文*网 +QQ752018766-

Educational games are persified and mainly have five types, namely role-plays, musical activities, intelligence games, sports games and drama performances (Zhang 127)。 Primary school English teachers are supposed to utilize the persified educational games flexibly in class based on teaching objectives and contents。 Besides, teachers should also persify the form of games nimbly, because pupils have a short duration of concentration and are easily bored with the same things。 In addition, teachers are expected to deal with the connection between the content of textbooks and games when necessary and to adjust the atmosphere and teaching pace of the class flexibly。 As concluded, the persity of educational games and the flexibility of form should be fully utilized by primary English teachers。 Consequently, students are inspired to take part in games。 

















