Abstract With the implementation of the new curriculum reform and new teaching materials, the focus of education is not only to update the concept, but also to explore the educational practice。 English teaching class plays an important role in the peocess of English teaching。 Therefore, to adapt to the requirements of the new curriculum reform is to explore a new way of teaching English reading which should be adjusted for students in junior high school。 In this paper, by a questionnaire on junior high school students' English reading class, it is compared and analysed by the past and present situation of the new curriculum reform, and puts forward opinions and suggestions of the English reading class in junior high schools under the background of new curriculum standard。77029

Keywords: new curriculum standard; English reading class; English reading study; teachers; students




1。 Introduction 1

2。 Literature Review 1

3。 A Survey about Reading Class 3

3。1 Research question 4

3。2 Purpose 4

3。3 Instrument 4

3。4 Data Collection and Analysis 4

4。 Results and Discussion 5

4。1 Teaching model of reading 6

4。2 Teaching behavior in reading class 6

4。3 Views of teachers in the teaching reading 7

4。4 Changes of students’ learning approach 7

4。5 The students' reading methods 8

5。 Inspirations and suggestions 9

5。1 The accumulation of reading vocabulary 9

5。2 Pay attention to cultural background factors 10

5。3 Select appropriate reading materials for students 10

5。4 Pay attention to the training of reading skills 11

5。5 Supervise and help in the process of reading 11

5。6 Develop the habit of reading 12

6。 Conclusion 13

Works Cited 15

AppendixⅠ 16

1。 Introduction 

In June 2003, the official promulgation of "Outline of Basic Education Curriculum Reform (Trial)" was put forward for higher requirements of students’ reading ability and all aspects of teachers of English Reading class in junior high schools。 In recent years, the national college entrance examinations have increased the difficulty of reading comprehension。 With the aim of enabling students to achieve good grades in English, English reading class plays an important role in the whole English language teaching。 In the peocess of English reading class, it is particularly important to develop and improve the students' reading ability。 But compared with the importance of English reading class, there are some notable problems of the methods of traditional English reading class, such as some teachers’ much speech, students’ less practice, single teaching method, low teaching efficiency; some teachers’ blind practice of new teaching ideas, the blind pursuit of innovation and so on。 Under the influence of the new curriculum standard, the research of teaching model of English reading is an important topic of Chinese basic education。 Teachers are required to pay attention to the improvements of overall qualities of the language practice in teaching, the learning process, students' language skills language knowledge, learning strategies and cultural awareness and so on。 In short, the improvement of students' reading ability is a long, gradual process, avoid by all means is too hasty。 Interest is the driving force, to develop good reading habits is the premise and necessary reading skills guidance is the key, appropriate extracurricular supplement is required。 Therefore, it is necessary to improve students' reading ability, teachers must develop students' reading habits, in order to enable them to master certain reading skills, and combined with the practice of reading training in class and out of class, cultivating and improving students' reading ability。 

















