    The Analysis of the Cultural Transmission of the Chinese Local Snacks’ English Translation
     I would like to thank the following persons for their help and support during my research and writing of the thesis.
    First of all, I want to thank my thesis advisor Zhu Xingfan for his constant encouragement and guidance. He has taught me in several ways during the whole thesis-writing process, discussing my research ideas and approaches and giving me advice on how to conduct the research and present it. Without his consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not have reached its present form.
    I am also deeply indebted to all the other tutors and teachers in Translation Studies for their direct and indirect help to me.
       Special thanks should go to my friends who have put considerable time and effort into their comments on the draft. Finally, I would like to thank my parents for their consistent support and help for my studies.
    Responsibility for any remaining errors is mine alone.
    关键词:中国小吃; 文化交流; 音译加注释 4304
    Chinese food, with its long history, comprises indispensable part of Chinese traditional culture, among which, the local snacks, possessing Chinese specialty can deeply demonstrate the development of Chinese traditional culture. With its unique flavors, great varieties and special cooking styles, Chinese food is favored by the people in the world. Not long ago, the television drama called A Bite of China well transmits Chinese traditional food and culture to the world. With more and more communication and interaction with foreign countries, there are more and more people who have come to China for the purpose of tourism, investment and study. In order to give them a deep sense of relevant culture in the Chinese snacks while enjoying the food, the translation of the snacks should first of all apply the strategy of transliteration retaining annotations, and next use the target strategies and methods within the specific environment, to deliver the Chinese special culture.
    Key words: Chinese snacks; cultural communication; transliteration retains annotation
    摘    要    第Ⅰ页
    Abstract    第Ⅱ页
    1 The introduction of Chinese local snacks        1
    2 The relevant culture of Chinese local snacks        1
    3 Literature Review        3
    4 The current situation of the English translation of Chinese local snacks        5
         4.1 Spelling disorder    5
         4.2 Irregular language using    5
      4.3 Semantic vagueness    6
      4.4 Overlook of the cultural diversity    6
    5 The appropriate application of the multiple strategies and methods    7
      5.1Transliteration retains annotation, manifestation of characters    8
    5.1.1 Snacks in the hotel menus    9
    5.1.2 Snacks in the English pubic signs    9
    5.1.3 Snacks in the English travel books    10
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