
    4.1 Spelling disorder:

    ○1Words’ spelling disorder: there are Britain English and American English
       causing the disorder, for example, Chengduxiaochi(成都小吃), Britain
       English translates into Chengdu Style snacks, while American translates
       into Chengdu snacks.
    ○2The misuse of the capital and small letter: the basic principle is that the initial of notional word should be capital letter, and the one of the functional word be small letter. The translational names are lengthy, complex and lack of consolidated standards.

    4.2    Irregular language using:

     ○1Words’ disorder:because of the word disorder of the English translation, it often can’t meet the criterion of the target language, and the word order is that the word with a meaning of strong taste should be put in the initiate of the name, for example, Suanlahaixiangeng(酸优尔海鲜羹)should be Hot and Sour Seafood Soup.
    ○2Words’ single or plural form: the misuse of the single and plural form is pervasive, and it should be order that countable noun be in plural form, while the un-countable one in single form.

    4.3    Semantic vagueness:

    Chinese diet is very different from the foreign one in ingredients and cooking, so it is difficult to find the corresponding words. The semantic vagueness is the result of wrong choice of words and mistranslation, like the translation of Shizitou(狮子头)——Braised LionHead, while Lion is the Britain’s symbol. As for the translation names of the snacks, the way of word-to-word translation can’t embody the meaning behind the name and conform to the behavior of the English speaking countries, moreover, it make cause the cultural misunderstanding.

    4.4    Overlook of the cultural diversity:

    In the traditional concept, it is said that translation is the inter-language transformation. However, it neglects the cultural issues in translation. Because of the differences in social custom, religious belief, moral idea, and so on, Chinese and the foreigners differ in cultural identity, and it is often neglected in the practical translation. For example, the snack of Longfengpei(龙凤配)is translated to Dragon and Phoenix by many people. Obviously, it is not right. In the western culture, Dragon contains the meaning of evil, while Phoenix is only existed in Chinese fairy tale and the westerners have not any perceptual knowledge about it.
    Some of the snacks entertain a deep thought in their names, behind which there is a given allusion or moving story, containing the beautiful conception and expressing our wonderful willingness, such as Zongzi. In order to memorize Quyuan, people make it. However, the general translation can’t deliver the meaningful cultural connotation behind the snacks as it translates mechanically according to the fixed mode.
    The problems arising in the snacks translation above are not only the detriment of the image of the cities and country, but also influential to the promotion of Chinese local snacks. In the process of global cultural convergence, maintaining the inherent personality and specialty is more and more significant, and it will stimulate the development of the cultural diversity.

    5    To promote cultural exchange,appropriate application of the multiple strategies and methods

    To call for people to pay close attention to and to be more aware of the current situations that on one  hand, Chinese local snacks have become more and more popular and have played an important role in people’s life, but there have been few English introduction to these snacks and few references and few articles existing about the Chinese-English translations of the snacks names and that on the other hand, even among the few translations, almost all the versions are far from correct, let alone perfect.
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