As has mentioned above, definitions of motivation can be given from different angles。 In the next chapter, different types of motivation occurring in current research will be examined。

2。2 Classification of Motivation Types

The problem closely related with definition, is the way motivation is classified。 There is a major classification about motivation: integrative/instrumental。 What is the most impressive in Gardner’s research is the famous classification of integrative and instrumental L2 motivation。 “When learning a target language, some students like the people who speak the language, admire the culture and have a desire to become familiar with or even integrate into the society in which the language is used。 This form of motivation is known as integrative motivation。 Integrative motivation indicates an interest in learning a foreign language to communicate with members of the foreign language community” (Gardner 10)。 This motivation occurs when the learners wish to understand the culture of the foreign language。 

In contrast to integrative motivation is the form of motivation referred to as instrumental motivation。 Instrumental motivation means learning the language for an ulterior motive unrelated to its use by native speakers (Gardner 10)。 It stresses on the pragmatic aspects of learning a language without particular need of communication with the foreign language community。 Wilkins said that the instrumentally motivating learner requires the language as a means to some other end, whereas for the integrative learner the language and all that it brings by way of culture is an end in itself (76)。 

2。3 Previous Studies on The Factors that Influence Motivation 

Rifai (20) studied students’ attitudes, motivations and difficulties, and factors that 

affect their motivation。 The questionnaires of this study contain dependent and independent variables。 It made up of 200 students who take different English courses。 At the end of this study, the author found out that external factors such as teacher and all kinds of class courses that students have attended can affect their motivation absolutely。

In another study, Jain & Sidhu (13) have investigated relationships between anxiety, attitude and motivation concerning discipline, gender and language proficiency。 Participants made up of 60 students from the Faculty of Education in Malaysia。 The study shows that anxiety is a beneficial factor in language learning。 In addition to this, it is found out that science students have more positive attitude than non-science students。 And, this study has suggestions about how to increase students’ level of proficiency。 

Questionnaire adapted from Dörneyei & Guilloteaux (221)。 The study was made up of 129 participants from all of proficiency levels in Gediz University, and have 48 female and 79 male students。 The results show that female students have more motivation than male students in Gediz University。 In the second finding, it is observed that when the proficiency level of students increases, students become more motivated。 


III。 Research Methodology

As has mentioned in chapter two, there are many studies of motivation and motivation stimulating have been done by researchers at home and abroad。 With the development of our economy, China is becoming a country which has much more communication and other relations with other countries。 Nowadays, English is a global language by which Chinese people can learn about the world and is also the essential tool to communicate with foreigners。 Therefore, English is becoming more and more important for people, especially the young who are the future of our country。 In fact, the English learning motivation of most Chinese high school students is not clear enough。 What is the current situation of English learning motivation of high school students? What are the elements that influence students’ English learning motivation? And which ways can strengthen the students’ motivation of English learning? The questionnaire has 

















