Abstract The paper would study Catherine’s dual character in three parts。 Firstly, it  would analyze some dual characters and corresponding matters which Catherine has embodied。 In Wuthering Heights, Catherine was innocent and kind-hearted。 However, she became hypercritical and rude after she married in Thrushcross Grange。 Secondly, it would study reasons accounting for Catherine’s dual character, including social background, family environment, influence of people around her, etc。 Thirdly, it would analyze the influence of Catherine’s dual character on her life and how would Heathcliff and her love become a tragedy。 80253

Keywords: dual character; reason; influence ; tragedy

摘要本文将从三个方面来分析凯瑟琳的双重性格。首先,将分析凯瑟琳所具体体现出的几个双重性格以及具体事例。原本在呼啸山庄的凯瑟琳单纯、善良,嫁入呼啸山庄后却变得虚伪、粗暴。然后,将分析凯瑟琳双重性格的形成原因。社会环境、家庭背景、周围人物影响等都是其原因。最后,将分析凯瑟琳的双重性格对其生活、人生的影响, 以及与希斯克利夫的爱情如何走向悲剧。



1 Introduction 1

2 Literature Review 2

3 The Study on Catherine Earnshaw’s Dual Character 4

3。1 Catherine’s innocence in Wuthering Heights 4

3。2 Catherine’s hypocrisy in Thrushcross Grange 5

3。3 Her complicated action and words due to her dual character 5

4 Reasons for Catherine’s Dual Character 6

5 Her Character’s Influence on Her Life 8

6 Conclusion 10

Works cited 12

1 Introduction

 Emily Bronte, the writer of Wuthering Heights, finished the masterwork in 1800s。 Wuthering Heights was the sole novel Bronte has written, and that established her status in the history of British and International literature。 People regard Emily Bronte as ‘Sphinx Riddle’ of British literature。 There are a lot of puzzles in Wuthering Heights。 For a long time, Wuthering Heights has been studied by many scholars and experts。 As David Cecil says, ‘That bustling, prosaic, progressive world of nineteenth-century middle-class England, which is the background of their whole picture, simply does not come it on her view at all’(Cecil 183)。 Emily loves moors, loves nature and more loves freedom。 As Charlotte says in the preface of Wuthering Heights in 1850, ‘my sister Emily loves the moors。 Flowers are brighter than the rose blooms in the blackest of the heath for her; out of a sullen hollow in a vivid hill-side, her mind can make an Eden。 She can find in the bleak solitude many and dear delights’(Yang 31)。 论文网

The core and quintessence of the novel is the story of Catherine and Heathcliff。 The novel can be pided into 4 parts。 The first part is terminated in Thrushcross Grange。 It is about the establishment of the natural and special relationship between Catherine and Heathcliff and their corporate defiance to Hindley and his government in Wuthering Heights。 The second part is about Catherine’s betrayal on Heathcliff, her suffering subsequent and the culmination of her death。 The third part is about the demonic revenge of Heathcliff。 The forth part is about the variation of Heathcliff and his death。 Even in the last two parts, the relationship between Catherine and Heathcliff is still the center subject, which is the base of every other matter。 

















