Abstract This topic from three aspects elaborates Heathcliff’s characters,firstly pointing out his cruel character is shaped by his surrounding environment and what he has encountered。 Secondly, his twisted character is discussed in details as well as its influences to himself。 Finally, this topic delineates his double-faced character, which also contains kindness in it and shows how it determines Heathcliff’s life and the story goes。80254

Keywords: cruelty; twistedness; duality

摘要本课题从三个方面来分析希斯克利夫的性格。首先介绍希斯克利夫性格残忍的一面, 并分析其原因是因为周围的环境以及他的遭遇,还有他的复仇行为最能体现其残忍,其次指出他的性格里还有扭曲的一面以及体现在哪里还有对他的影响是怎样的,以及为什么到后期他的性格会变得扭曲起来,最后阐述希斯克利夫的性格中仍然存有善良的那一面,所以这导致了他的性格是双面性的,而这一特点决定了主人公最终的结局和书中故事的走向。空一行




1。 Introduction 1

2。 Literature Review 2

3。 The Analysis of Heathcliff's Characters 3

3。1 Cruel personality3

3。2 Twisted character。。。。。。。。7

3。3 Dual characters。。。9

4。 Conclusion 10

Works Cited 12


Heathcliff is an orphan who is raised by an old man called Eamshaw, who is the owner the Wuthering Heights。 When Eamshaw passed away, his son tortures Heathcliff unfairly for his revenge。 So, special circumstances lead to Heathcliff’s characters which can be described as strong, tenacious。 Heathcliff and Catherine were meant to be together, and he is loyal to her。 Catherine is almost his life and his hope, which means she is more important than himself。 He is eager to meet Catherine again in heaven even after she died。 This crazy love distorted his everything, including his outlook, which makes him never regret for what he has done。 Therefore, his characters are contradictory, complicated, which embodies kindness and evil, reflecting how beauty turns to ugliness。文献综述

In the history of English literature, Wuthering Heights is always viewed as the most peculiar novel and an inscrutable book, since in the beginning it was described as “gloomy, indecorous and morbid-minded”, a direful and brackish novel”。 The book mainly shows us the transitional process of Heathcliff’s character from transformed humanity to the recurrence of humanity。Heathcliff was an orphan from Liverpool adopted by Mr。 Eamshaw。 

When Mr。 Eamshaw introduced him to his families, everyone did not like him, especially his son Hindley。 Hindley often beated and insulted him, but he bore his treatment fairly well because of the love of Mr。 Eamshaw。 Unfortunately, Mr。 Eamshaw gone off, his treatment became worse, his right of being educated is deprived of and he must labor out doors as hard as any other lad on the farm。 However, he put up with everything because he could forget everything in the minute he and Catherine are together again。 

One Sunday, Heathcliff and Catherine met Edgar and his sister Isabella, something happened to change。 Catherine and Edgar began to fall in love with each other, which made Heathcliff intolerable。 Because the amour propelled, Catherine married to Edgar。

As a result, Heathcliff left Wuthering Heights for 3 years。 When he came back, he became very cut-throat and heartless, which represented thoroughly by the way he got back at everybody。 In the end, he restored the humanity。 When took revenges on others, Heathcliff became a cruel, mad, and evil man。 In fact, Heathcliff was a tragedy figure and he also suffered a lot。 The reasons for his changes are multiple。 From the analysis, to the reasons, we can get further understanding of love and hatred。 This thesis attempts to conduct a is general into the changes of Heathcliff’s characters, analyzing the reasons which result in the changes ,with focus on the humanity of Heathcliff。 Heathcliff under the rule of the world like Dante's purgatory, in its revenge in the process we can see his frozen human slowly recovery process。 Heathcliff's image is multiple, as Graham herder nice。 "We may he strange abstruse contemplation and confused, we may also because of his passion for the destructive power of revenge and ruthless and stunned, but at the same time we listen to a human in pain desperate screams。来:自[优.尔]论,文-网www.youerw.com +QQ752018766-

















