Domestic research on Our Town can be pided into two main categories。 The first category is mainly for the style of Our Town effect of extremely unique style of expression, mainly including the novel artistic achievement and performance skill and study from the perspective of drama, comparison and analysis。 The second type is mainly the study of the theme of Our town。 As an American novelist and playwright, Thornton Wilder, the highest achievement of theatrical creation Our Town, has long been theatre enjoys a good reputation in the west。 For decades, numerous professional and amateur troupe staged the play in the United States, pomp is always long。。。 The drama creation in the 1830s, new yorkers have just out of your depression lecture, for simple happiness of ordinary life。 The author from the perspective of the common people, mainly describes the 1901 ~ 1931, state town residents' daily life and to highlight the beauty of ordinary life, reveals the meaning of life, and has certain practical significance。 Among them,the Xinhua studied the technique of our town, he dug from the perspective of drama。 Mention the subject of the novel and the very different, it is based on the reality of contemporary American life, let us see the possibility of application of narrative drama to liquidate real life。 Research on the topic in our town also has a lot of, first of all, on the one hand, it is the universality of the value of daily life and durability of certainly, on the other hand, it is based on the transcendentalist thoughts, symbolism is pointed out that human was used as part of the universe has the eternal value, affirmed the human spirit and immortal。 Third, how should we spend a meaningful life is discussed。 The study of the novel's greatness lies in it is of profound insight into human existence state。 I focus on the life and death theme of the novel and understand the view of China, and contrast analysis of Chinese and western view, and understand the meaning of raw, cherish life。 In the highly developed material civilization, materialism, nihilism and skepticism of modern society, human beings still more need to explore and prove the significance of human existence。 In our town, denies nothing, denying the fateful prophecy, it reaffirms common people in a positive way existence value and the goodness of ordinary life, and try to rebuild the dignity of the people。 Its theme connotation and its practical significance is worth us to think of the new century

3。 The Theme of Life and Death in Our Town

He let dystopia died of Emily's dead weight to swim at the age of 12 at the scene of the birthday, parents, brothers and friends feelings of warm finally made her collapse, and the living bear a grudge and miss more made her heart, because it is a love without return can't return。 She realized that the dead man's task is to forget the living, always closed between life and death the bridge of "love"。 Wilder said "the dead" a complete reversal of the usual we see the living to learn to forget the dead live old routines, but in the end is still to the living of torture: we have a "during her lifetime, realize the meaning of life - every point, every second?

3。1 The philosophy of coexistence of life and death in the play

Our Town is a three acts drama, but time is not long span is very big, many people in the first act has been died in the third act。 Wilder, adopted is present different scene at the same time or in the same scene in different time, to promote the development of the whole story。 Skills comparable to connect is the stage layout of one content is multi-purpose, streamlining the props and rapid conversion time and space background, such as the church wedding guests seats quickly become hallmarks of mounds, s funeral, and so on。 However, on the subject, nothing more than small town story dating marriage, physical, called specific we, but with all the people, not to speak of the universality of the theme。

















