摘 要哲学家格莱斯注意到,在日常会话中人们并不总是直白的告诉对方某事,而是在交谈无形中遵循了一种合作原则。本文便主要运用格莱斯的合作原则和会话含义理论对《卖花女》中文本会话含义进行分析,实现以语用学理论分析戏剧语言的可行性和必要性。本文采用定性研究方法对《卖花女》中文本的丰富会话含义进行分类研究,拓展了传统的对《卖花女》的研究,并且弥补了国内外对这一领域研究的不足。同时戏剧《卖花女》语用分析能为戏剧欣赏提供了一个新的视角,在一定意义上对其他文学作品的研究和欣赏也有启发运用。81991

毕业论文关键词:《卖花女》; 合作原则; 会话含义; 四项准则

Abstract Oxford philosopher Herbert Paul Grice notices that in daily conversations people do not usually say things directly but tend to imply them。 In other words, people seem to follow a principle and it is known as the cooperative principle。 This paper mainly uses cooperative principle and conversational implicature theory to analyze the conversational implicature of the text in Pygmalion to prove that the pragmatic theory could be appreciated and suitable in applying the literary works, especially dramas。 This paper does researches on 10 typical dialogues in Pygmalion by using qualitative approach。 It can enlarge the width of research and make up for the deficiency of relevant researches in this field at home and abroad。 Meanwhile it can provide a new perspective to understand and appreciate the dramas, and people could have a good understanding of conversation strategy。 

Key words:Pygmalion; Cooperative Principle; Conversational Implicature; maxims


摘 要 i

Abstract ii

I。 Introduction 1

II。 Review of Drama Pygmalion 2

2。1 The Main Content of Pygmalion 2

2。2 Critical Remarks on G。B Shaw and His Drama Pygmalion 5

III。 Two Theoretical Frameworks 6

3。1 Cooperative Principle and Four Maxims 6

3。2 The Conversational Implicature Theory 9

IV。 Analysis of Conversational Implicature in Pygmalion 11

4。1 Conversational Implicature Produced by Violation of the Quantity Maxim 12

4。2 Conversational Implicature Produced by Violation of the Quality Maxim 13

4。3 Conversational Implicature Produced by Violation of the Relevance Maxim 14

4。4 Conversational Implicature Produced by Violation of the Manner Maxim 15

V。 Conclusion 16

Bibliography 18

Acknowledgements 19

The Analysis of Conversational Implicature of the Text in Pygmalion from the Perspective of Cooperative Principle

I。 Introduction

The theory of conversational implicature in pragmatics was proposed by Oxford philosopher Herbert Paul Grice。 He originally put forward it through the William James lectures at Harvard University in 1967, and his theory first became known to the public。 What’s more, his conversational implicature has been proved to be a powerful theory to explain much linguistic phenomenon。 The drama Pygmalion contains abundant of interesting dialogues, which can be analyzed and appreciated by pragmatic approach。 Therefore, it is of great important and value to analyze the conversational implicature of the text in this drama Pygmalion written by George Bernard Shaw。

















