2。2 Lack of Vocabulary
For most of the time, native readers could understand the meaning of the content with Chinglish elements。 However, it is totally different from the Chinglish phenomenon in the translation of public signs。 Perhaps, if a word is misused or absent, it will lead to misunderstanding or an opposite meaning。 From this point of view, unacceptable and incomprehensible Chinglish in public signs will become a severe barrier for international tourists and investors to know our country better。 Thus, we need to spare no efforts to get rid of such error in the translation of public signs。
There is a short story of a German called Olive。 He said that Chinglish is not solely incorrect English: it is English with Chinese characteristics。 As he said, it is his first time to contact Chinglish when he traveled in China。 He noticed a small brand in the taxi with “别忘记带走随身物品”, the English version of which is “Don’t forget to carry your thing”。 Actually, “thing” should change into “things”, that is, an “s” is missing。 Just because of the letter, it is easy to understand it into a blue humor: “don’t forget to take away your brother”。 Only a letter error may lead to ridiculous thinking, and maybe foreigners would laugh at our country, and it even damages the dignity of our country。 An American David’s words have given us a warning。 Many copycat reported only see the appearance of “老外” to sing praises of Chinese-English。 However, few people think deeply about the “rush (热捧)” to spread Chinese culture and even set up a positive image of China in the world and less benefit, what about the effect to Chinese culture?来;自]优Y尔E论L文W网www.youerw.com +QQ752018766-
The original meaning of the public sign in the taxi “Don’t forget to carry your thing” is to inform passengers to take their things away。 But now it has caused such a situation difficult to make up and a bad and profound impact。 I am afraid that such Chinglish translation expands our view more than a cultural bridge。