摘 要《指环王》是英国作家J。R。R。托尔金历时十二年完成的一部巨著,并被公认为是现代奇幻文学的开端,作品中的宗教神话元素一直为学者们所关注。本文主要探讨作品中所隐含的《圣经》元素特征,从小说的叙事视角宗教内涵意义、主要人物的圣经原型分析、小说地域名称与圣经地名的对应三方面,讨论了该作品所映射出的圣经特征。本文对小说的叙事特点、人物和地名的圣经特征分析有助于读者深刻了解该作品的宗教意义。82438


Abstract The Lord of the Ring,which took the British author John Ronald Reuel Tolkien a decade to complete, was widely accepted as “the beginning of modern fantasy works” as well as a great novel, in which its religious and mythical elements have been concerned by academics。 The thesis attempts to focus on exploring the biblical elements implied in the novel from three aspects --- the religious implication of the narrative perspectives, the archetypes of the main characters and the correspondence between the area names in the novel and Bible。 By analyzing the religious implication, main characters and area names of The Lord of the Ring, this study may contribute further understanding of the religious implication in the great work。

Key words: The Lord of the Ring; religious implication; biblical archetype 


摘 要 i

Abstract ii

I。 Introduction 1

Ⅱ。Religious Implication of Narrative Perspective 2

 2。1 Narrative Perspective of Original Sin 2

 2。2 Narrative Perspective of Redemption 3

 2。3 Narrative Perspective of Resurrection 3

Ⅲ。 Biblical Archetype of Main Characters 4

 3。1 Virgin of Lorraine Forest: Grendel 5

 3。2 Jesus in The Lord of the Ring: Frodo, Aragon, Gandalf 5

 3。3 Adam in the Eden: Tom Bombadil 7

 3。4 Gain in Shire: Gollum 8

Ⅳ。Biblical Archetype of Main areas 9

 4。1 Eden in The Lord of the Ring: Shire 9

 4。2 The Holy City in The Lord of the Ring: Gondor 10

 4。3 Babel in The Lord of the Ring: Isengard 10

Ⅴ。 Conclusion 11

Bibliography 12

Acknowledgments 13

On Biblical Elements in The Lord of the Ring

I。 Introduction

    The Lord of the Ring was written by British famous scholar, author John Ronald Reuel Tolkien who was known as the father of modern fantasy literature (233)。 It took him several years to finish it。 This novel was published between 1954 and 1955。 It has received wide attention in the world literature since publication, and was held in high regard by readers across the world。 And finally, it was crowned one of the most best-selling books in the 20th century。 This novel sets its root in the western culture and is rich in Christian doctrines。 The profound moral implications hide in the novel, rich cultural connotation and Tolkien’s strong imaginative and language talent has attracted attention and comments。 Although Tolkien has described a fictional mythical world, the main characters appeared in the novel were not totally imagined。 The narrative pattern, many plots and main characters of The Lord of the Ring are rich in religious color and profound religious implications。   论文网

















