A Chinese scholar advises to describe autonomy from two points of view: vertical and horizontal。 Vertical angle means to judge autonomy on the base of learning process。 If a learner can control his learning before, during and after the learning activity, then his learning is autonomous; if a learner completely depends on others’ supervision and mediation in the learning activity, then his study is not independent。 Horizontal perspective aims to describe autonomy from the aspects or dimensions included in autonomy。 If a student can spontaneously control himself in every feature of autonomy (motivation, learning content, learning strategy, time, environment, self-evaluation), his study is independent。 The two viewpoints are complementary to each other and the advantage to define autonomy in these two ways is that it can effectively help educators to examine and supervise students’ learning in practice。 

2。2 Characteristics of Autonomous Learners

    Learning autonomy entails self-initiation, self-direction, self-evaluation and self-realization。 Self-initiation means that learners learn spontaneously out of instinct。 Self-directed learning is that learners determine what, when and where to learn (Dickinson 87)。 Self-evaluation points out that learners can evaluate, access and realize behavior and results。  Thus, learning and development are completely different processes, and it is the inpidual learner itself who is considered to be in complete control of both of them。 

    As good language learners, some early research often states that they employ more strategies and use them more effectively than others in language learning process, some recent studies found that unsuccessful learners are as active only they use improper language learning strategies。 Therefore, learners need to be taught how to choose the right technique, and how to use them for their own strategies。 

Wang (1986) defined autonomous learners as those who have the faculty to be active and independent in the learning process; who can identify the target; who set their goals; who can change objectives to fit their own learning needs and interests; who are able to employ learning strategies; supervise their own learning。 

Rowntree (1992) indicates that autonomous learners can make their own decisions on their learning goals and intended outcomes; the subjects, themes, topics, issues they will study; the learning and teaching resources and methods they will make use of, when, how and on what they will be assessed。 

III。Factors Affecting University Students’ English Autonomous Learning

    In this section, studies and research of autonomous learning are seen from a specific perspective, that is, factors which affect autonomous learning。 There are many factors influencing college students’ autonomous language learning。 As to Chinese learners particularly, some factors have greater impact。 The factors file is classified into two categories: internal factors and external factors。 Learning beliefs and attitudes, learning motivation, learning strategies, and self-monitoring and self-evaluating go to the first category while the factors of teachers, learning materials, learning environment go to the second one。 

3。1 Internal Factors

    Language learning is not only a cognitive task。 Learners to used their own language learning ability, to master their own language learning rule。 When the language is input, according to the characteristics of their own language learning, in order to give them the satisfaction of learning。 On the contrary, the success of learning activities, to some extent, depends upon the learner's position in the world, especially in learning activities, their sense of self, as well as their desire to learn team。 

    3。1。1 Learning Beliefs and Attitudes

















