According to Victoria & Lockhalt, learners’ beliefs include “general speak that learners have their own beliefs and goals, according to their development of future trends, provide motivation, promote independent learning”(224)。 Parents’ educational level does not have effect on learner autonomy。 It depends upon parents’ ways of instructing their children and learning environment they provide。 That is to say, it depends on whether parents have awareness of learner autonomy and whether they create a supporting learning environment at home for them to study。 This awareness can enable learners to make choices about the methods and techniques they use in their learning。 Specifically, they may realize that other ways of learning are more suitable and effective for their needs。 The capacity for self-monitoring in this way facilitates and strengthens learner autonomy。 

    Chinese students are generally considered to be regarding language learning as accumulation of knowledge。 For example, Pearson finds, in Hong Kong, where the influence of Chinese traditional learning is strong, students are seen as passive receivers of knowledge, and they showed a strong interest in learning grammar。 Therefore, developing learners' language learning autonomy, They should first realize that study is their own things。 That is, they should remember it is not their teacher but themselves who should take on the responsibility of the success or failure in their study。 论文网

3。1。2 Learning Motivation

Motivation is ‘‘the tendency to expend effort to achieve goals” (Johnson 79) or “the extent to which you make (a) the pursuit of objectives and (b) the effort you will put into the pursuit of choice“ (Brown 194)。 Psychologists believe that motivation is one of most important aspects of academic achievement and productivity factors (Keller 87)。 

    Intrinsic motivation is to promote student learning and the development of the forces of nature。 In the absence of rewards, it can stimulate students' intrinsic motivation。 Extrinsic motivation learners need the help of external forces。In case there are incentives to stimulate students' motivation for learning。 These two motives are complementary。 

Skehan (49) suggested four types of motivation: intrinsic motivation that stems from the intrinsic interest in learning; the resultative motivation which is influenced by the success experienced by learners; the internal cause motivation which is brought by the inpidual to the learning context; and, the Carrot and Stick motivation which is the external influences and incentives。 These four motivations either emphasize external factors or the role of the learner。 

    Cognitive psychology stresses the importance of motivation in language acquisition。 Dickinson (166) believes that learning autonomy increases motivation, therefore increase the effectiveness of learning and he also said students should enhance the ability and understanding of learning。 

    Skehan (138) recommends that “we should study motivation with other learning aspects together (such as teachers, materials, inspection, etc。), to obtain a more comprehensive understanding of the learners’ motivation”。 

    In China, most of the teaching tasks are mainly examination-oriented, especially in middle and high school。 Some people think that in order to test for the purpose of teaching tasks is unscientific, students are still facing obstacles to obtain a degree。 According to Wu, for students whose major is not English, our aim is to provide full play to the role of English in the work, but not a lot to develop the necessary faculty。 

3。1。3 Learning Strategies

  Learning strategies always closely related to the student's learning style and can be identified by examining various learning tactics and exercises, stretching their learning。 Some usages may partly reflect personal preferences, rather than innate endowment policy。 

















