摘 要随着政治、经济、文化和科技的发展,新事物和新概念应运而生,大量英语新词不断涌现。这些新词在构成、语义特征和社会文化特征方面都呈现出新的特点。本文主要从来源、构成以及发展趋势三方面入手对新词做了深入的分析,并结合例子加以解释说明。本文通过分析新词的变化,反映了社会、经济和文化的发展方向,并指出新词的发展同步于社会各方面的发展,旨在使读者对英语新词有一个更深刻的理解,对社会、经济以及文化的发展方向有一个新的认识。 82826


Abstract As the development of politics, economy, culture, science and technology, many new things and new concepts emerge at the right moment and a large number of English neologisms spring up constantly。 These new words have show news characteristics in word-formation and features in semantics as well as social culture。 This paper analyzes neologisms from its source, formation and development trend and interprets with examples to interpret neologisms。 By analyzing the changes of new words, it reflects the development of society, economy and culture and points out that the development of neologisms is synchronous with that of every aspect of the society。 This paper aims to enable readers to better understand English neologisms and the social, economic and cultural development。

Key words: neologism; source; formation; tendency


摘 要 i

Abstract ii

I。 Introduction 1

II。 Sources of Neologisms 3

2。1 Rise of New Concepts and Ideas in Social Culture 3

2。2 New Discoveries and Products in Science and Technology 3

2。3 Manufacture of New Products in Economy 4

2。4 Events in the Field of Politics 4

III。 Formation of English Neologisms 5

3。1 Compounding 5

3。2 Affixation 5

3。3 Analogy 6

  3。4 Blending 6

3。5 Shortening 7

  3。6 Borrowing 7

3。7 Conversion 8

3。8 Old Words with New Meanings 8

IV。 The Development Tendency of Neologisms 8

  4。1 General Development Tendency of Neologisms 8

  4。2 Development Tendency of Neologisms in Specific Fields 10

V。 Conclusion 12

Bibliography 14

Acknowledgements 15

On the Sources and Tendency of Neologisms

I。 Introduction

As the society evolves and science and technology gain momentum, new words in English have sprung out constantly。 Language is the thinking and expressive way of social life and words are the most sensitive and active factor of language。 The development and changes of social life will company with enrichment and development of language and words。 English is one of languages with the largest vocabulary in the world。 Nowadays, a large quantity of new expressive pattern of English has emerged so as to adapt to great changes of social life and rapid development of science and technology and satisfy the actual demands of human society。 Until now, there are about two billion vocabularies in English, in which 50% are new words generated after the World War II。 There are 1600-1700 new words and new meanings entering into their computer database (Wang 200)。 Many scholars are interested in this phenomenon。 论文网

















