2。2 The Importance of Appreciation Education

According to the basic provisions of primary school English curriculum teaching requirements, the purpose of primary school English teaching is based on the development of physical and psychological characteristics of students, and teachers should stimulate students’ interest in learning English。 Teachers should train students to learn English in a positive attitude。 So appreciation education plays an important role in primary school English teaching。 Students have a preliminary sense of language, tone of voice and basic writing。 Teachers should help students build confidence in learning English。 From the emotional perspective, we can see that the primary stage of learning English is a breakthrough period。 Through appreciation education, one can establish a harmonious relationship between teachers and students。 Appreciation education will stimulate students to have a happy and positive emotional experience and stimulate students’ heartfelt desire to learn English and use English。 Then, students may achieve the best results。来:自[优E尔L论W文W网www.youerw.com +QQ752018766-

1。 According to the demanding of the New National curriculum, the main purpose of compulsory English course is to develop a comprehensive ability of using language and create a developing future。 The main purpose of the language required course is to train the comprehensive ability of students using language, and create favorable conditions for future development。 In recent years, with the continuous advance of new curriculum reform, many primary schools have begun to pay attention to and implement the appreciation education。 Teacher teach-based teaching model is undergoing “fission”。 The democracy, cooperation, and explore Classroom Teaching Mode is gradually being established between teachers and students。 As the main body of educational activities, student status is increasingly important。 And all activities of teachers in the classroom are built around students。 Therefore, we should take into account the differences between different students, in order that all students are can go smoothly on the road of learning English。 In 2011, the Ministry of Education documents compulsory English curriculum standards pointed out that compulsory English course is with a tool and humanity’s dual nature。 We should not only focus on training students’ language knowledge and skills, but also be concerned about the emotional needs of the students which are new requirements raised by New Curriculum in English Teaching。 Human nature and requirements include the desire to give recognition and praise, respect and understanding。 The requirements of appreciation education for students are to put love into words and deeds, in order that students feel the real love, to stimulate the potential of students for students experiencing success, and enhance their self-confidence。

















