II。 The Problems in English Writing of Middle School Students

English is a foreign language for Chinese middle school students。 When junior school students express their inner thoughts in English, they always translate Chinese literally, which leads to many problems and leaves a bad effect on English writing。 Here is the analysis of problems in students’ English writing。

2。1 Vocabulary Shortage and Ill-formed Sentences

    The students always have the problem of vocabulary shortage and ill-formed sentences。 According to the English curriculum standards requirement of the junior high school, the number of vocabulary that middle school students master has met the requirements of vocabulary for middle school students to write English compositions。 But in the process of practice, students memorize words mechanically, and they can only memorize the words according to the order of the words list。 The reappearance of the words in the reading is encountered with the withdrawal obstacles, and there are more expression and thinking obstacles in the flexible application of English vocabulary。 In English writing, when a student wants to express that a person is beautiful, the word occurring to him is only “beautiful”, no matter the person is man or woman, old or young。 When a student expresses that a person has achieved good results and in what ways he does well, he will say “you are good”。 The common expression is “I am happy” when a student wants to show his happiness。 In an composition about the life during the summer vacation, the composition of middle school students is marked with characteristics of tetralogy。 Firstly, that the long-anticipated summer vacation begins is expressed as “The summer vacation is begin”。 

Secondly, that I do my homework with my classmates and they are very nice are expressed as “my friends and I do homework, and my friends help me do the hard works, she is my good friend”。 

Thirdly, that I have done a lot of things in summer is expressed as “we do a lot of things during the summer vacation”。 

Fourthly, that I am glad that my summer vacation draws to a close is expressed as “I am happy in the summer vacation”。 This English composition reflects the common mistakes that students make。 The first one is vocabulary shortage mentioned above, the sentence patterns of expression monotonous which are just the superposition of simple sentences, and the simple sentences are just the application of “be”, “have” and verb-object sentence of simple words。 The second common mistake is the Chinese expressions which lead to ill-formed sentences。 When a student wants to express that he is glad to do this, he will say: Do this thing, I am happy。 Another classmate expresses that he always swims, he will say: I usually swimming there。 文献综述

    Generally, the ill-chosen expression errors caused by Chinese expression habits are pided into the following three aspects: firstly, the shortage of sentence components leading to incomplete sentence; secondly, the only application of present tense, and the casual employment of other tense; thirdly, incapability of forming sentence structure on the basis of sole accumulation of Chinese vocabulary。 

2。2 Shallow Expression and Unrelated Idea with Theme

    The second obvious problem in Chinese middle school students’ composition is that the idea expression is shallow and not related with the theme。 Faced with the composition, the middle school students, on the one hand, may feel excited。 They are excited at the topic, because the involved theme and central points are what they are familiar with in their daily life, they have a lot of things to express under their heart, or the topic is familiar with the composition they previously memorized。 At this moment, the students will not analyze the topic and composition structure carefully, they write down the contents they want to express and the sentences and words they memorize without thinking, with the results that the expressive arrangement is unclear, or the content is not related to the theme。 On the other hand, the students may feel at a loss。 The topic is not related to their life, they are unable to think out what to be expressed, or they think the topic, which can be concluded in a sentence, is too shallow, and don’t know how to concretize the topic。 At this time they can only put all sorts of things together, think out some sentences at random to make up the required number。 These sentences often display a characteristic, unclear hierarchy that a meaning is expressed many times。 In an composition about spring, a student wrote: I love spring。 Spring have many green trees, I am happy。 I like followers, spring have many followers。 Spring make me happy。 This article has only one level: there are many green trees and flowers in spring, I like it very much。 The meaning can be clearly expressed in one sentence, but the student did not analyze the theme correctly, he can only decompose one aspect, write repeatedly in order to meet the requirements of words number。 These sentences, 来:自[优E尔L论W文W网www.youerw.com +QQ752018766-

















