摘 要:上个世纪七十年代,校园民谣在台湾兴起,八十年代校园民谣从台湾流传到大陆,到了九十年代,校园民谣在大陆迅速的流行与发展达到了顶峰,并深受大学生的喜爱。在查阅大量的文献资料及实际考察的基础上,对校园民谣的兴衰历程及校园民谣的未来发展趋势进行阐述,让我更加感受到了,校园民谣代表的不仅仅是一种校园文化,更是一种校园精神,它描绘出了那个时代的学生的内心世界,可以让大家在校园民谣中找到自己的影子。校园民谣后来由于各种原因逐渐在校园中远去,但是校园民谣对我们的那份感动是永远不会逝去的。因为它代表的是我们对青春的怀念和感动。希望通过对这一毕业论文课题的研究,可以唤起大家对校园民谣的关注,让校园民谣重新回到我们的生活中来。10952
关键词:校园民谣 ;创作;兴盛;衰落;未来
Introduction to the rise and fall with the developing trend of campus folk songs
Abstract: In the seventy s, the rise of campus folk songs in Taiwan, from Taiwan to the mainland in the eighty s, in the ninety s, quickly became popular in mainland China, and its development reached its peak, and was deeply loved by students.On consulting a large number of literature data and on the basis of actual investigation, the campus folk songs the rise and fall of history and the future developing trend of campus folk songs, let me more feel, campus folk songs is not only a representative of the campus culture, but also a campus spirit, it depicts the students' inner world of the time, and can let you find your shadow in the campus folk songs.Campus folk songs later gradually gone, on campus, for various reasons, but that touched the campus folk songs for us is never lost.Because it represent the youth we miss and moved.Hope that through the study of this subject, can raise people's awareness of the campus folk songs, let the campus folk back in our life.
Keywords::campus folk songs; creation,;prosperity and decline,;in the future
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract 1
一、校园民谣的简介 2
二、校园民谣的兴衰历程 3
(一)校园民谣的兴盛 3
(二)校园民谣的衰落 7
三、校园民谣的未来发展趋势 8
(一)校园民谣的影响 8
(二)校园民谣的发展趋势 8 参考文献 10
致谢 11