摘 要:朝鲜民间舞蹈是在古朝鲜、扶余、高句丽以及朝鲜半岛的传统文化基础上形成的,中国的朝鲜族民间舞蹈,是在朝鲜族传统文化的根基上,又以东北地区特定的历史环境中形成的。本论文运用总结归纳法、文献学、个案分析等相结合的研究方法,以朝鲜族文化、舞蹈的节奏与体态特征、朝鲜族音乐长短与舞性和朝鲜族舞蹈中最具有代表性的舞蹈类型为出发点,对朝鲜族舞蹈的基本特点进行分析与探讨。20644 毕业论文关键词:朝鲜族;民族民间;舞蹈特点
Analysis of the characteristics of Korean Dance
Abstract:Korean folk dance in ancient Korea, Buyeo, Goguryeo and traditional culture on the basis of the formation of the Korean Peninsula, China's Korean folk dance, in the Korean foundation of traditional culture, and today's dance form in a particular historical context in Northeast China charm. Therefore, the study of the Korean folk dance culture, economic life should be the Korean nation, national psychology and the history of our ancestors in their bid to become further research and development in the evolution of Korean post.In this paper summarizes research methods, literature learning, case analysis, combining; rhythm and body characteristics in Korean culture, dance, Korean music and dance and dance the length of the most representative types of dance as a starting point. Multi-level perspective on the basic characteristics of Korean Dance analyzed and discussed.
Key words: Korean; folk; Dance Features
目 录
摘要 1
Abstract 1
一、朝鲜族文化 2
(一)朝鲜族概况 2
(二)语言文字 2
(三)服装特点 2
(四)朝鲜族民族文化对舞蹈的影响 3
二、朝鲜族舞蹈体态和节奏的基本特征 3
(一)朝鲜族舞蹈体态的基本特征 3
(二)朝鲜族舞蹈节奏的基本特征 4
三、朝鲜族音乐长短与舞性 4
(一)朝鲜族舞蹈音乐长短的拍子与舞性 4
(二)朝鲜族舞蹈音乐长短的节奏抑扬与舞性 5
(三)朝鲜族舞蹈音乐长短的速度与舞性 5
四、朝鲜族舞蹈最具代表性的类型 6
(一)农乐舞 6
(二)长鼓舞 7
(三)象帽舞 7
(四)扇 舞 9
结语 9 参考文献 10
致谢 11