摘 要:芭蕾舞是文艺复兴的产物,起源于意大利。最早出现在十七世纪的欧洲,是一门舞台艺术,一般只在贵族圈进行表演。经济基础决定上层建筑,基本功在舞蹈中就相当于经济基础,只有把基本功练得扎实才能表演出好的舞蹈。本文首先阐释了芭蕾舞的起源和背景,以及芭蕾基本功训练的内容、体系和四个审美原则,再进一步在舞蹈训练和课堂训练以及舞台表演进行阐述,主要分析了基本功在舞蹈中的重要性。31698 毕业论文关键词:芭蕾舞;基本功;舞台表演
The importance of basic skills in dance ballet
Abstract: Ballet is a product of the Renaissance, originated in Italy. The earliest appearance of Europe in seventeenth Century is a stage art, generally performed only in aristocratic circles. Economic base determines the superstructure, basic skills in dance will be equivalent to the economic foundation, only the basic skills of a solid before performing a good dance. This paper first explains the origin and background of ballet, and the content, system and four aesthetic principles of ballet basic training., and then further in the dance training and classroom training and stage performances, the importance of basic work in dance is analyzed.
Keywords: Ballet; basic skills; stage performances
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