摘 要:职业技术学院有着完善的教学设备,合理的课程设置,专业的师资力量。但学生中部分生源素质较低,声乐教学也存在着一些问题。本文从职业技术学院学生生源素质问题和声乐教学问题出发,探究改善生源素质和提高声乐教学质量的对应措施。33965 毕业论文关键词:职业技术学院;声乐教学;调查
vocational and technical college vocal music teaching present situation investigation and study
Abstract: vocational and technical college is the perfect teaching facilities, reasonable curriculum, professional teachers. But some students of the students quality is low, the vocal music teaching also exist some problems. This article from vocational and technical college students come from quality problem and vocal music teaching, to explore to improve students quality and corresponding measures to improve the quality of vocal music teaching.
Key words: vocational and technical college;vocal music teaching ;investigation
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