摘 要:《春游》是中国作曲家创作出来的一首合唱歌曲,受到群众普遍传唱,口碑载道。《春游》的诞生标志着我国合唱作品跨越了起跑线,它在欧洲作曲技法的运用以及民族气质的探索上取得了一些宝贵经验,为后世合唱音乐的发展与繁荣奠定了良好的基础。本文将从创作背景上出发,对《春游》的歌词、旋律、和声、曲式结构等地方进行分析,最后总结一下其独特的审美格调。36462 毕业论文关键词:李叔同;春游;音乐学分析
Analysis of Li shutong "spring outing" music
Abstract:"Spring outing" is the Chinese composers created the first chorus has been sung and popular. "Spring outing" marks the birth of Chinese chorus works across the starting line, some valuable experience has been used in the European composition techniques and national temperament exploration, has laid a good foundation for the development and prosperity of future generations of choral music.In this paper, starting from the background of the creation, of "spring outing" lyrics, melody, harmony, musical form structure analysis, finally, to sum up the unique aesthetic style.
Key words:Li shutong;spring;musicological analysis
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