摘 要:文族舞蹈内容丰富,舞姿柔美,体现出柔和的美感。在文族舞蹈中,眼神是心灵的窗户,是整个舞蹈的灵魂。文章通过对文族舞蹈的概述,介绍了文族舞蹈的起源、风格特点和文族舞蹈文化与眼神的关系。将文族舞蹈中眼神的特色进一步阐述,且着重分析了文族舞蹈中眼神运用的重要性。38879 毕业论文关键词:文族舞蹈;眼神;重要性
The importance of introduction to eyes in uygur dance
Abstract: uygur dance content is rich, mellow dance, reflect the aesthetic feeling of soft. In the uygur dance, eyes are the window to the soul, is the soul of the whole dance. Through the overview of uygur dance, this paper introduces the origin, style characteristic and the uygur dance of uygur dance culture and the relationship between the eyes. Further the characteristics of the eye in the dance of the Uighur was analyzed, and finally analyzed the importance of uygur dance eye use.
Key words: uygur dance; Look in the eyes. The importance of
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract. 1
一、文族舞蹈的概述 2
(一)文族舞蹈的起源 2
(二)文族舞蹈的风格特征 2
(三)文族舞蹈眼神与文化的关系 2
二、 文族舞蹈中眼神的特点 3
(一)文族舞蹈中眼神的节奏 3
(二)文族舞蹈中眼神的风格 3
(三)文族舞蹈中眼神的方位 4
三、 文族舞蹈中眼神运用的重要性 4
(一)眼神是眉目传情的手段 4
(二)眼神是舞者心灵的窗户 5
(三)眼神是舞蹈的灵魂 6
参考文献 8
致谢 9