摘要:蒙古族是中华五十优尔个民族之一,是一个生活在大草原上,历史悠久且又富于传奇色彩的古老民族。蒙古族人骑马善射,且以能歌善舞著称。本文从蒙古族舞蹈的起源及分类入手,系统的介绍了蒙古族舞蹈浑厚,含蓄并且舒展豪迈的动作特点。随后着重从蒙古族舞蹈独特的动作、剽悍的气质、绵延的韵、苍劲的音乐等方面来表述蒙古族舞蹈刚柔并济、韵悠长的审美情感。作为非物质文化遗产的蒙古族舞蹈,如何更好的保护以及改革创新,使它跟上时代的步伐还是个艰巨的任务,需要我们共同的努力。40292 毕业论文关键词:蒙古族;舞蹈;韵;审美情感
A primary introduction about Mongolian dances,aesthetic emotion
Abstract: Mongolian is one of China fifty-six nationalities, and they live on the prairie, It is an ancient nation which has a long history Mongolian people riding and shooting, and is known by singing and dancing. From the Mongolian dance origins and classification start system introduced Mongolian dance deep, subtle and bold action stretch characteristics. Then emphatically from the Mongolian unique dance moves, aggressive temperament, long lasting appeal, and strong music aspects to describe the Mongolian dance may be aesthetic feelings, long lasting appeal. Mongolian dance as intangible cultural heritage, as well as how to better protect innovation, keep pace or a difficult task that requires our common efforts.
Key words: Mongolian ;dance;aesthetic emotion;aesthetic style
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